Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/02/20

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To: Tony Gamble <>
Subject: Re: Prices in the UK
From: Gordon Banks <>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 1996 07:24:47 -0500 (EST)
Cc: Leica User Group <>

I've been over most of the developed world, and my experience is the best 
prices for nice cameras is in the USA.  Very nice Nikons and Leicas can 
be had if you scrounge around.  The best deals are obviously not from 
dealers, but from the people who sell to the dealers.  I don't have time 
to go to estate sales or garage sales, but these are where the guys who 
do this for a living go.  Camera shows are also good places to look.  
Watch for people with a camera bag going from table to table getting bids 
from dealers.  The bids will be about half what the cameras are worth, 
and if you approach the person and offer more, you are likely to pick up 
the camera.

Pittsburgh has a very wealthy past and a lot of those old cameras are 
still around and turn up after people die and their relatives don't know 
what to do with the equipment.

Gordon Banks  N3JXP          |"Caminante, no hay camino. | Se hace camino, al andar."  -Antonio Machado

In reply to: Message from Tony Gamble <> (Prices in the UK)