Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/05/09

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Subject: Leatherette replacement.
From: (J. Redfern)
Date: Thu, 9 May 96 20:41 EDT

The leatherette on the back door of my M4-2 has recently decided to call it
quits and has turned brittle, falling off in large chunks. Would anyone
know if a replacement piece is available and if it is worth attempting
replacing it myself.
Failing that, I might just go for a total recladding in polar blue lizard
skin.  ;->
        On another note, I take it from the massive digression in response
to my last question that noone is familiar with a manufacturer of lens caps
that fit onto the front of the rectangular hoods for the 35mm summicron and
the 28mm Elmarits. (?)