Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1998/06/16

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Contax G 21mm finder update
From: "Joseph Codispoti" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 00:00:12 -0700

The finder project seems to have developed into a  benevolent hydra.
Perhaps you could determine in advance the cost for shipping for each
individual and request advance payment. It is not fair to burden yourself
with such a monumental task.
I think you should also add a nominal surcharge to insure that you would not
have to suffer a loss for your kindness.
An alternative to you or your delegate doing all the shipping work would be
to divide the lot among some who might help you distribute the items. An
individual in each country could act as agent/distributor for all in that
country. If you need help I am ready to offer it.
As far as being able to accommodate all who want a finder ( I wonder how
many are buying one "for future need" or for resale),
first-come-first-served sounds fair.

Joseph Codispoti
San Luis Obispo, California

- -----Original Message-----
From: Ken Iisaka <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, June 15, 1998 9:38 PM
Subject: [Leica] Contax G 21mm finder update

>Ok, it appears that so many of you LUGnuts want the finder.  At the last
>count, we have an order for nearly 50 finders.
>This is going to be quite a process for me, as 50 is, I'm sure, a
>significant chunk of the number of finders actually made and sold.
>Also, it would mean that I will shell out $4000 or so.  That's enough
>for an M6 and Noctilux.
>Phong and I will stop collecting names at 12am GMT this Friday (That's
>9am Friday in Tokyo, 1am Friday in London, 8pm Thursday EDT, and 5pm
>Thursday PDT.)  I will then go to Yodobashi-camera in Tokyo to ask
>whether they can order that many finders.
>If the number of finders available is less than the demand, I will limit
>the quantity per person so that as many LUGnuts as possible could have
>at least one finder.
>If the number of finders available is less than the number of LUGnuts
>who want the finder, shall we make them available by lottery, or on
>first-come-first-served base?
>Ken Iisaka                     モルガンスタンレ・踉殺苳孜券会���
>Morgan Stanley Japan, Limited  ��霾鶺蚕冑堯   “唳�  健