Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/01/29
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Buzz Hausner wrote: Recently discontinued for the new 135, the f2.8s all came with eyes attached. I believe it raised the 90 frame lines and magnified the viewfinder and range finder to improve ones' ability to focus. Big, heavy, and, in my experience, not a great performer. Unless you need the speed, save some money and buy a recent f4/135, a great lens by any measure, though I am told it doesn't perform up to the quality of the recent 3.4. See Irwin's site for a better evaluation. Hi George, Hi Buzz, as I read out of Buzz posting he never used one of these goggled 135/2.8 and just believes in figures that a found out in physical lab situations. I have the 135/2.8 since a few months and I can tell, that this lens brings very good results, also in extreme situations like Concert photography on slides. Because of its size (and the goggles doesn't make it smaller), the lens was not a bestseller - that's also the reason for its good prize. But the few, who owns that lens, who I know wouldn´t give it away anymore, me included. In Germany you'll see that lens in mint condition about 3200 (new) - 1800 Marks (used mint cond.), witch is in Dollar about $1700 - 1000. The 135/2.8 is the last lens, you can remove the lens body to use it with the visoflex. The lens calls the 90mm rang finder (=RF), the goggles magnify the RF 1.5 times, the older model about 1.4. I already used it with my M3, witch has the 50mm RF and the view is great. If you like it, go for it, you´ll have a good lens. Cheers, Deniz