Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/02/24

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Subject: [Leica] RE: Colour Leica Photographers (B&W vs. Colour)
From: Jim Brick <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 10:34:55 -0800

Yes, this web site ( is for
someone else. Not the Ernst Haas (Leica SLR photographer) that we all
loved. The author of "The Creation", "Realms of Light", "In America",
etc... He was Austrian/American. You can read about him (in German) at .


At 01:08 PM 2/24/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I know we've been over this before, but isn't THE Ernst Haas no longer with
>us, and isn't this the web site of another, younger, less talented, but live
>Ernst Haas?
>	Buzz Hausner
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:	Kotsinadelis, Peter (Peter) []
>> Sent:	Wednesday, February 24, 1999 12:48 PM
>> To:	''
>> Subject:	RE: [Leica] Colour Leica Photographers (B&W vs. Colour)
>> Eric,
>> On his website ( he does not list
>> Leica as part of his equipment.  What he say he uses is:
>> 	35mm Nikon Reflex with objectives between 24mm and 400mm 
>> 	Mamiya RZ medium format with 3 objectives 127mm, 50mm and 250mm 
>> 	Arca Swiss 4*ïnch with objectives 90mm, 180mm, 360mm, 480mm. 
>> Did he at one time use Leica SLRs?
>> Peter K
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Eric Welch []
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 1999 8:37 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Leica] Colour Leica Photographers (B&W vs. Colour)
>> At 11:18 AM 2/23/99 -0700, you wrote:
>> >And of course, the "original" colour photographer Ernst Haas.
>> Who was a big advocate of Leica SLRs.
>> Eric Welch
>> St. Joseph, MO
>> Cooperation can only be reached if we work together.