Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/08/10

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Subject: [Leica] to scnoo or to scooby do
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 22:23:32 EDT

<<Hello all,
I recently bought a Rapidwinder for my M6 & really like it.
I've since been wanting a scnoo for my black leicaIII.

Has anyone experience using the scnoo?

Is it better left on the shelf as a collector's item or could a scnoo
benefit a photographer?
- - -Delgado>>

Now please keep in mind the following is just MY opinion:

The SCNOO is a delicate mechanism that is not as hardy as the Leicavits and 
Abramson winders etc. I have had quite a few of them and on WAY too many the 
belt has started to stretch or shred...

The SYOOM's for the IIIf/IIIg's are somewhat less delicate if you need a SM 
camera with a speed winder. The truth of the matter is that the M cameras are 
much more suited for quick shooting than the SM's anyway.

That all said, I have walked around the streets of NYC shooting with a IIIa 
with a SCNOO and garnered the kind of attention that a large format camera 
does. "Hey buddy, where did you get THAT!" "WHAT is it" "WHERE do I GET ONE"

Since this is the opposite of the reaction that _I_ am looking for on the 
street I discovered that it wasn't for me. However, it is quite a cute fast 
winder set the Chihuahua of Leicas. ;-)

I believe you can get Sherry or Don to replace the belt on those as 
well...but you should ask before buying one. It will probably need it.

Before the gasoline flows too heavy...please keep in mind this is just my 
