Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2000/12/04

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Subject: Re: [Leica] RE: Weekend catch-up + scuffs?
From: Martin Howard <>
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 22:47:46 -0500

Jim Brick jotted down the following:

> But what cows do cannot be vulgar therefore writing about what cows do
> cannot be vulgar.

From Webster:

> Main Entry:    vul搽ar
> Pronunciation:    'v&l-g&r
> Function:    adjective
> Etymology:    Middle English, from Latin vulgaris of the mob, vulgar, from
> volgus, vulgus mob, common people
> Date:    14th century
> 1 a : generally used, applied, or accepted b : understood in or having the
> ordinary sense <they reject the vulgar conception of miracle -- W. R. Inge>
> 2 : VERNACULAR <the vulgar name of a plant>
> 3 a : of or relating to the common people : PLEBEIAN b : generally current :
> PUBLIC <the vulgar opinion of that time> c : of the usual, typical, or
> ordinary kind
> 4 a : lacking in cultivation, perception, or taste : COARSE b : morally crude,
> undeveloped, or unregenerate : GROSS c : ostentatious or excessive in
> expenditure or display : PRETENTIOUS
> 5 a : offensive in language : EARTHY b : lewdly or profanely indecent
> synonym see COMMON, COARSE
> - vul搽ar損y adverb

(2) does not apply in this context (we're talking about what cows do, not
how they refer to things).  (3) falls into the same category, as does (5)
since, to the best of my knowledge, cows do not have language.

Which leaves us with (1) and (4).  Clearly, cows have generally used or
ordinary ways of doing things, hence cows can be vulgar the first sense.
(4) is more difficult, since it would require us to explore whether cows
have culture or morals, or are capable of being pretentious, gross, or
coarse (according to *cow* standards -- not ours).  But, since all I need is
to refute your statement on a single point (since it was a universal
statement), and since I've shown that cows can indeed be vulgar (sense (1)
above), I've refuted the first part of your statement.

Now, as to the logic of the proposition:  "Cows cannot do X, therefore
writing about what cows do cannot be X", I'll leave that as an exercise to
the reader...


M.  (been reading too much analytical philosophy lately)

- -- 
Martin Howard                     | "Common sense is just the layer of
Visiting Scholar, CSEL, OSU       | prejudices put down before the age of
email:         | eighteen."  -- Albert Einstein
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Replies: Reply from Ted <> (Re: [Leica] RE: Weekend catch-up + scuffs?)