Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2000/12/15

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Subject: RE: [Leica] Busted with my M2
From: Paul Chefurka <>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 13:52:25 -0800

>Some people convert even more quickly, I remember the Balliol 
>guy (Balliol
>JCR at that time had a Stalinist constitution written by this 
>very guy) who
>was a strong Scargill supporter during the strike then went to 
>work for the
>Coal Board directly out of college. At my advanced age these things no
>longer even sadden me, but I was surprised then!

On this side of the Atlantic the poster boy for the sellout movement is the American Jerry Rubin - from Yippie activist to Yuppie stockbroker.

And I suppose I have to include myself - I was in Paris in the spring of '68, shooting pictures of tear-gas and truncheons with my parents' Canonet.  Now I supervise firmware hackers and wait for the Information Highway to fire me more stock options that I can convert into Leica glass.  Tax laws seem a lot more important now than they did back then, and social justice issues seem dangerously easy to ignore...

Fortunately this worm of guilt keeps gnawing at me, and I tell myself that as soon as things settle down at work I'm going to do Something That Makes A Difference.  Till then, donations to Medecins Sans Frontiers and Amnesty International will have to salve my conscience.  But once I retire, watch out world :-/

And I can always take comfort in the fact that although the snaps I take today don't have the same social bite as the ones I shot with that old Canonet, they sure have better bokeh...


Replies: Reply from Javier Perez <> (Re: [Leica] Busted with my M2)