Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/04/21
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Sixteen weeks down and a mere 36 (sigh!) to go. At times this PAW thing feels like a rabid monkey on my back. But I have to say, it's been a great thing for me. While I may not always agree with the critiques and comments, the PAW project has provided me with a kind of photographic conscience. As a writer I know the value of an editor; no one can see their work truly objectively. I now peruse my own shots with the informed voices of a handful of LUGers in my head ã which is a good thing, right? In any case, this week's offerings ( are a departure from my string of inner-city shots for some colorful landmarks ã old and postmodern. The theatre is the last surviving independent movie house in Vancouver; the alternate is a dawn shot of the Experience Music Project in Seattle ã not my usual cup of tea, but what the hell, it was there. Comments welcome, as usual, Lee Bacchus Vancouver.