Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/05/03

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Which Ultra-Wide, Heliar 15mm or Heliar 12mm
From: Isaac Crawford <>
Date: Thu, 03 May 2001 22:16:13 -0400
References: <[]>

henry wrote:
> Issac wrote:
> >       Here's where I disagree. In many outdoor situations, a meter just isn't
> >needed if you have some experience and confidence in your experience.
> I have experience and confidence.
> Experience says use the meter.
> Confidence because I do.
> I don't blindly follow what it says, I interpret it with experience.
> btw: Experience also says have an extra meter.
> Having said this I do make lots of interpretive adjustments to what the
> meter tells me. I may meter once and adjust for the changes on the fly
> without consulting the meter.

	This to me is the ideal... 
> But sometimes you just got to have a meter. People who make their living
> photographing have an economic gun to their head. That gun might go off
> if they don't make the exposure they plan for.
> This "no meter" exposure thing comes up every so often. I guess if you
> use only one film and one camera you can squeek by making pictures for
> yourself this way. 

	I've keep hearing this "one film, one camera" routine and I don't
understand it at all. Exposure is exposure. Think of how you learned
another language. At first, everything had to be translated to your
original language before you could understand it. At a certain point,
you just start to think in the other language. I started learning ASA
100, and quickly translated it into other speeds. Now I can think in
different speeds! At one point I was using my M6, IIIf, a crown graphic,
and a K1000 (stop laughing!) with film speeds ranging from 25 to 400 and
not having trouble getting good exposures without a meter. It just takes
some getting used to.
	Anyway, I'm not trying to say never use a meter, just that being able
to shoot without one is a good skill to have. I don't really see how it
can hurt you... It can certainly help the decision process after you
turn it back on...

And if that suits you then go ahead and enjoy yourself.

	Thank you, I plan on it!:-)

> Henry

In reply to: Message from henry <> (Re: [Leica] Which Ultra-Wide, Heliar 15mm or Heliar 12mm)