Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/05/25

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Subject: [Leica] the truth about the stoned women
From: "akkas" <>
Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 11:31:19 +0300

hi you are right with the stonning but not in all muslim countries 
i mean real muslim countries .can we blaim or say that cristian
religion is burning girls as a wicth just because they had dance
at the middle ages. its the same stuation, stoning is something that
uneducated sycho religeous leaders created under the name of god and
Ýslam, it's not something that writen in the Kuran (the holly book)
what i'm trying to say is there isn't much differences between these
two holly religion.Our book Kuran says one of the rules of having a
faith is believing and showing respect to all profits that the God
send including Jesus and it also says all the people believing in the
religions that the god send muslims ,chirstians ,jues will all go to
heaven . Islam isn't a religion wasting time with how to stone a chirstian isn't a religion wasting time with styles of
burnning the women.. You might say ' but we did them 600 years ago'
yes you are right but Islam came 600 years after jesus that means
some Islamic countries ( not in Turkey ) are at the same level that
chirstians lived years ago ... but there some countries which has a
vision to see that like us come to Ýstanbul if you can to see what
real Islam is..

note: i am not a religeos man but i have faith anyway i join this
group as a lieca owner am i in wrong group????


- ---- Original Message ----
Konu: Ynt: [Leica] Re: Leica Users digest V20 #26
Tarih: Fri, 25 May 2001 04:21:29 GMT

>P.S. In Muslim countries with strict laws, a woman is likely to get
>stoned if she commits adultery. In Indonesia it's the other way 
>                          =====
>are you saying she will be stoned if she doesn't commit ;-)

Replies: Reply from "Stanislaw B.A. Stawowy" <> (Re: [Leica] the truth about the stoned women)
Reply from "Ted Grant" <> (Re: [Leica] the truth about the stoned women)