Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/08/01

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Subject: RE: [Leica] Compendium Review
From: Marc James Small <>
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2001 17:16:46 -0400

At 07:34 PM 8/1/01 +0300, wrote:
>Seen the "Scanning" thread between Mxsmanic and Austin Franklin filling
>up your mailbox the other day? It was qualitive--good enough/
>not good enough--that's the way this will go (on and on).
>If you insist. From tomorrow I'm off for a long weekend,
>I'll be back after that.

On the first point, I delete everything with "scanning" or "digital" in the
subject line.  I am old-fashioned and use a CHEMICAL darkroom -- scanning
is for sissies.  (I just scored a NIB 2.8/50 APO-Rodagon on e-Bay for $160,
and am ecstatic.  It will fit well on my Beseler 23.  Now, I need the
2.8/40 APO-Componon Erwin recommends for my V35.)  Sorry I missed the
exchange between these fine folks, but, well, digital is, in the end, both
inadequate and boring.

Have a grand weekend off.  I would ask that, when you resurface, you give
us chapter-and-verse on your criticsms of Erwin's stunningly fine research.

Marc  FAX:  +540/343-7315
Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!

Replies: Reply from Marc James Small <> (RE: [Leica] Compendium Review)