Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/08/18

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Subject: Re: [Leica] OT: Rolleiflex 3003 information
From: Akhil Lal <>
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 14:37:40 -0400 (EDT)

I used "rumour"  because I did not have the actual references to hand.

Regarding the 3003, Javier included this body quite explicitly in his
remarks. These were based on a phone conversation I had with him 2 minutes
before posting my message to the LUG. He does have experience with it -all
unpleasant- not sure if he owms one or two. 

By the way, on what basis do you asume that Javier was talking about the
SL 2000 only ? How on earth could you possibly know what he said to
me in a private phone conversation ?

I have heard from more than one owner about problems with the 3001/3003. 
In fact, back in the '80's I almost bought a 3003 system after reading a
test report in the AP, only to be put off by reports of problems. 

It may well be that the 3003 bugs have been ironed out by now, but it
would be irresponsible not to forewarn the prospective buyer of a used
3003 of these issues. FWIW, I agree with Pablo: if you want Zeiss glass,
get a Contax RTS system. Unless, of course, the 3003 is dirt cheap and a
35/1.4 is thrown in...


 On Sat, 18 Aug 2001, Marc James Small

> At 08:00 PM 8/17/01 -0400, Akhil Lal wrote:
> >There is a listmember, Javier Perez,, who knows a lot
> >about these.
> >
> >He says they are an absolute nightmare to own, use and fix. He has 3 of
> >them and can't keep one working for very long. Lovely concept, poor
> >execution.
> >
> >If rumours are right, this was designed by Zeiss Ikon to be the
> >Contarex replacement.
> >
> Husteron proteron.  There are no "rumours" about the 3003's progenitor, the
> SL2000F, being intended to be the Contarex replacement:  it most assuredly
> WAS to be the Contarex replacement, as the SL-725 was to be the new
> Contarex and the SL-706 the Icarex replacement.
> I believe Javier's comments are about the SL200F's reliability, not for the
> 3003.  The 3003 has a reputation as a most rugged camera and it remains in
> production today as a photogrammetric camera, often being used in
> rough-country applications.
> Marc
>  FAX:  +540/343-7315
> Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!