Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/09/12

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Subject: Re: [Leica] we're ok
From: George Lottermoser <>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 10:54:44 -0500 (Pablo Kolodny)9/11/0110:54 PM

> well, that's nice to hear from a true American...
> but I'm afraid of that...
> regards Simon
> -- 
> Pablo Kolodny
> > Simon Stevens wrote:
> > 
> >> I just hope we don't let the horror of this change the
character of our
> >> liberty or cause us to misplace blame on the innocent. 
Giving in to
> >> either temptation would give terrorists their victory.
> >> 
> >> Simon Stevens.

With tears dammed up behind my eyes; let us mourn the loss of
life and innocense; and find the courage to walk through the fear
and find the courage to respond with a "Declaration of Peace".

For those of you who feel that a Declaration of Peace may do more
for the future of the planet than a Declaration of War - please
take a look at:


 <€>Peace<€> <€>Harmony<€> <€>Stewardship<€>
G e o r g e   L o t t e r m o s e r,  imagist
voice                            262 241 9375 
fax                              262 241 9398 
                    Lotter Moser & Associates
10050 N Port Washington Rd - Mequon, WI 53092