Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/10/11

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Subject: Re: [Leica] I'll get my 'M', one day
From: Feliciano di Giorgio <>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 20:06:34 -0700
References: <> <> <>

Using the M6TTL vs my automated Pentax 645 certainly has made me a
better photographer.
Not having the crutch of automatic everything has  forced me to really
learn how to do
things. The lightmeter in the M6 is nice, but I still use a spotmeter,
especialy when
shooting black/white.

I recently picked up a IIIc with a 50mm/3.5 Elmar. Now the fun is really
going to start.
No net what so ever.


Barney Quinn wrote:
> Feli,
> I'm with you. No, you have not fallen for the hype, and you have not wasted your
> money. You have purchased a superb photographic instrument. I still have one of
> the two Leica IIIf's I shot with in grad school. A junkie on West 75th Street in
> New York has the other. The one still in my posession works fine. I've owned
> different cameras over the years, but every time I go through my portfolio I am
> always amazed to be reminded that a very high per cent of my best shots were made
> with a Leica RF.
> Sure, like everything else it takes a little getting used to. But, if you go out
> and buy one of these new fancy electronic cameras ( whihc have their place, IMHO )
> which is as much computer as camera it would take lots of practice and film to get
> the hang of it. That's just part of getting new era.
> The camera i would use if my life depended on nailing an image would be my M6.
> Give yours a chance. It's a great camera.
> Barney

- -- 

 "It's truly one of those shows where you just keep expecting Allen Funt
 to come bursting out from behind some 2-way mirror and explain that
 you've been on candid camera for 3 years."
                       -Ethan Ormsby on the status of production, 1999
        Feli di Giorgio * Compositing Supervisor * DIGITAL DOMAIN
       * Ext. 3074
- --
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In reply to: Message from Simon ALIBERT <> ([Leica] I'll get my 'M', one dayĆ )
Message from Feliciano di Giorgio <> (Re: [Leica] I'll get my 'M', one dayĆ )
Message from Barney Quinn <> (Re: [Leica] I'll get my 'M', one day)