Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/12/14

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Subject: Re: [Leica] New RF Buyer...
From: Marc James Small <>
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 18:53:41 +0000
References: <>

At 05:03 PM 12/14/01 -0600, John Straus wrote:
>I guess you missed the paragraph on why I am choosing the .58 M6TTL as well
>as stating that I have a Mamiya 7 (which is a rangefinder) but doesn't have
>fast enough glass for low light work, and have used an M6 before (although
>only for 1 roll). Nor do I wish to get involved in "old" gear that I have NO
>idea what to look for in terms of problems etc. Not to mention it answers
>none of the reasons on why I'm chosing a new M series body.  

That is not the point I was making, John.  RF shooting is entirely
different from SLR shooting.  I went over in my late 30's, when my eyesight
started fading, and I could no longer focus in low-light situations.
Bingo!  RF gear allows me the liberty of doing now at 51 what I did thirty
years back with a Canon.  But the process of changing from SLR to RF is
immutable and driven and, in the end, you end up doing VERY little flash
work with a rangefinder.  Just natural light.  Thus, why not buy cheap and
learn the system to see if you like it?  You might, in all good faith, hate
it.  If so, you've only invested a couple of hundred and you can beg out
without major financial losses.  Buy a new Leica M6 TTL &c, and, if you
should hate it, you are going to lose a bundle, more than I generally spend
on any single lens.  Besides, the M6 TTL is ugly and won't accept many of
the system accessories which make the M3 to M6 such a  wonderful
progression of excellence.

>I also am not one to believe that German is better than Canadian unless it's
>a proven fact in real world applications.

Calm down, John.  My comment was a joke -- Ted Grant is Canadian and
rapidly jumps to the defense of all things Canadian.  I occasionally jab
him.  He sometimes wakes up enough to respond but he is generally snoring
over his Noctilux and cannot be disturbed -- his assistant, after all, has
done all the REAL work since the Unfortunate Incident Of The Diarrhetic
Cow, but that, then, is a tale that has been told often and long on this List.

I have owned a slew of Canadian Leica lenses and have loved them all, even
the ones others on the LUG dislike.

Marc  FAX:  +540/343-7315
Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!

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