Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2002/03/10

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Subject: RE: [Leica] Shelley Mydans Dead at 86
From: "Tim Atherton" <>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 14:47:37 -0700

There is a nice chapter on the Mydans in John Leongards book on Life

Was it Carl that took the shot of the naked bubble gunner in the PBY
Catalina in the Pacific? I always thought it an amazing shot that somehow
expressed male vulnerability in the midst of war.

tim a

PS - we have 4 or 5 Catalinas out at the airport here still in regular use
(or Cansos as we Canucks call them). Used for waterbombing during forest
fire season. It's quite something to see a couple of them swoop down on a
lake together and scoop up water at full revs, ready for the next load!

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Marc James
> Small
> Sent: March 10, 2002 1:57 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Leica] Shelley Mydans Dead at 86
> At 07:51 AM 3/10/02 -0800, pmjensen wrote:
> >The Nikon you mention must have been, at least originally, a rangefinder.
> >Though maybe it's in the LUG archives, would you care to re-explain to
> >the naifs amongst us how or why some photojournalists chose the Leica,
> >some the Contax, others the Nikon (rangefinders)?
> Prior to the Korean War, most press photographers used a cut-film camera
> such as one of the Speed Graphics or the like.  In the late 1930's, the
> more daring had gone over to medium-format gear such as
> Rolleiflex TLR's --
> Time-Life was the first major publication to uniformly accept MF
> negatives;
>  at that time, most publications insisted on the larger cut-film
> negatives.
> At this point, only those with an independent reputation -- such as
> Eisenstaedt and Capa -- could get away with a miniature-format (35mm)
> camera.  Capa, for instance, began with a Leica but shifted to Contax
> before the Second World War -- he went ashore at D-Day bearing a
> Rolleiflex
> Automat and a Contax II.
> When the Korean War erupted, David Douglas Duncan began to use
> Nikon lenses
> on his Leica camera bodies, and introduced Mydans to the breed.  Mydans
> then both adopted the Japanese lenses and pushed their use on the folks
> back home.  I don't recall that the Nikon RF BODIES made much of a dent,
> though Capa was carrying one, along with a Contax II, at the time of his
> death in Indo-China.
> Mydans' influence on Time-Life together with their experience with Eisie's
> photography was sufficient to expand significantly the acceptability of
> 35mm gear by press photographers.
> Sal will undoubtedly correct all my many errors in this but, in
> my defense,
> one of my principal sources of information on Mydans is Sal's friend, Mike
> Fletcher.
> Marc
>  FAX:  +276/343-7315
> Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!
> --
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