Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2002/03/14

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Subject: RE: [Leica] 135/3.4 APO Telyt vs 135/2.8 Elmarit
From: Marc James Small <>
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 16:55:21 -0500
References: <008801c1cb99$69814980$31848bd8@brentd>

At 03:51 PM 3/14/02 -0500, B. D. Colen wrote:
>Soooooo - if one is happy framing and focusing an image about the size of
>the price on a postage stamp, the 135 APO is the way to go. If, on the other
>hand, one wants to really see what one is shooting with a 135, an SLR may
>make a lot more sense than the 135 APO - and one can get a good SLR and a
>terrific 135 for less than one will pay for the 135 APO.
>Just a thought.


This is decidedly not a "one size fits all" universe.  Simply because YOU
and others on the LUG have difficulty using hte 135mm frame-line does not
mean either that EVERYONE experiences such difficulty nor does it mean that
there is something morally deficient in those who do not experiece such

I probably use a 135 for 20% or more of my photography on the M and have
never had any undue problem with using the frame-line.

To each his own.

Marc  FAX:  +276/343-7315
Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!

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Replies: Reply from Marc James Small <> (RE: [Leica] 135/3.4 APO Telyt vs 135/2.8 Elmarit)
In reply to: Message from "Brent Dorsett" <> (Re: [Leica] 135/3.4 APO Telyt vs 135/2.8 Elmarit)