Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2002/10/01

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Subject: Re: [Leica] re: the biggest hole in europe
From: "Dizel" <>
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2002 15:03:46 +0200
References: <>

> fantastic shot of the hole and the powerplant. kinda small though (the
> image.) are you sure it's a coal plant?

I was inside and saw e.g. ventilators 10m wide, which put air into fire.. :)

> what's with the cooling towers?

Thats where hot steam powering turbines cools and goes back to Hot Place :)

> methinks they're making weapons grade
> plutonium there

:) Oh.. Thats why children there are born with lamp posts growing from
the backs:

> ..... looks suspiciously like the landscape around here

Seriously - we have a lot of coal and coal plants here. That is a major problem,
which also e.g Germany and Czechoslovakia face - air pollution. This plant
uses advanced air filters and this white smoke from those big towers is
merely a steam and not harmful to environment. But indeed seem monstrous -
local people call this plant a 'cloud factory' :)
I have more shots showing it better. I will scan them in next weeks or so.. :)

Here is one of big machines working there - all - round view:

and closeup (look at people at the left):

This one is elecrtically powered, moves in a heavenly pace: 3.6 meters per minute.
It needs a custom made road - when crossing a forest - there must be 80 meters wide
pass cut off in it. Whole machine (whose function is putting ground into a layers to
cover Hole with whatever was dug at the other side) is some 150 meters long, 80m
high and weight a lot :) This one was made in Germany (_not_ in Wetzlar I suppose :)
and will be oficially run first time 26 X this year - ten days after my birthday :)
- --
               (XS360 Diesel - Sampo Lappelil, 柝iMC)
       GH !d a- C--- E---- W+++ N+++ PS+++ !tv b+++ D++ e++ h* r%

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Replies: Reply from "Dizel" <> (Re: [Leica] re: the biggest hole in europe)
In reply to: Message from Kyle Cassidy <> ([Leica] re: the biggest hole in europe)