Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/07/01

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Subject: [Leica] Re: Leica Users digest V25 #33
From: Peter Klein <>
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 18:44:26 -0700

George, I'm so sorry this happened to you.

Just as the 60s brought out the worst in some law enforcement types with 
power fetishes (and their rent-a-cop cousins), the post-911 world is doing 
the same. We also have to deal with the mentality of "Child molester behind 
every lampost--Film at 11:00!"  The two things are feeding each other.

I find myself taking more pictures of family and friends, and less of 
strangers.  I also usually ask permission these days, whereas I didn't 
before.  Sometimes people say yes, others say no.

Maybe my turning a digital camera's macro capability on insects is a 
harbinger of my future.  I hope not--I am first and foremost a people 
photographer, and I would hate to hang that up.  But bugs can't call the 
cops and accuse you of sinister purposes.  If candid photography becomes 
impossible, I guess I'll just have to find myself some assignments where 
I'm invited to shoot.  But it's spontaneous pictures like this that are 
really what I'm about, photographically speaking (shot in Italy).

Anyway, I encourage you to pursue this matter to the fullest extent 
possible.  If the rent-a-cop confiscated your ID and his cohorts refused to 
let you communicate with your partner AFTER the real cop said you were 
within your rights, they may be legally liable.  Politely make a big stink, 
hold them up to public scrutiny, maintain your dignity.  As you are a 
professional with credentials, they may end up with some well-deserved egg 
on their faces.

I don't fancy living with the restrictions of a People's Republic or a 
Theocratic Republic, surrendering my rights to people who are just a rigid 
as those who would like to establish the latter on our ashes.

- --Peter

At 07:30 PM 7/1/03 -0700, you wrote:
>Reality: Nuanced variations of all of these events and potentialities were 
>going on, along with personnel changes, which required new conversations 
>with new players, while the fellow with my ID disappeared.
> >did...and who will simply go on, doing what they do...with no
> >repercussion.
>Iım researching the parkıs rules and regs and writing to the local press. 
>Weıll see.

- --
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