Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/08/12

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Subject: RE: [Leica] PWIFLIs--Dinner with Parents
From: Aquiles Almansi <>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 09:57:15 -0700 (PDT)

Exact same problem Nelson: I gave it to my daughter
during our vacations in diney, a couple of weeks ago,
and she ended up using her Nikon P&S. Forget about
shooting kids, animals or any other moving target.

and Welcome, Benvindo, Bienvenido che! (Yes, we're
everywhere, not just south...)

- --- Nelson Ricciardi <> wrote:
> Hei Br. I had one of those small and powerfull
> digitals. One thing made
> me nuts: the shutter lag.
> It´s take a picture today, hope you can get it
> tomorrow. 
> To take pictures of kids it´s impossible!
> Sold it two month latter..
> Oh, and there was also the DOF factor. Too much DOF
> with that 7-21mm
> lens.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On
> Behalf Of
> Sent: terça-feira, 12 de agosto de 2003 04:06
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Leica] PWIFLIs--Dinner with Parents
> In a message dated 8/11/03 10:50:44 PM,
> writes:
> << This is the best of the lot, overall (my mother
> and a friend):
>  >>
> Peter,
> In my experience a digital camera reverses film
> speed. I had thought
> that if 
> I set my Oly 5050 digital to ISO 200 or 400, I could
> breezily shoot EL,
> just 
> as I do with my M3 and a fast Leica 50mm lens. It
> didn't work that way.
> With some experimentation I discovered that I was
> able to get good EL
> shots 
> with the digital by setting its ISO to Auto or 64.
> Digitals nowadays -- 
> whatever you pay for them -- need a lot of both
> light and battery power
> to climb up 
> the Herter Driffeld curve -- if such a graph exists
> for a digital
> sensor. And 
> avoid using shutter preferred mode. Use P instead,
> and let the digital's
> algorithms do the work. The 5050 is about the best
> of the prosumers out
> there now. 
> But this is just one man's opinion. 
> br
> --
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