Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/08/13

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Subject: Re: Re: [Leica] One more thing on Xtol
From: Douglas Herr <>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 14:24:50 -0700 (PDT)

- -------Original Message-------
From: Mark Rabiner <>
Sent: 08/13/03 02:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Leica] One more thing on Xtol

> ><Snip> 
> Tomorrow I'll be seeing a very good photographer (dozens of
> exhibitions and a dozen books) who prints everything herself. She has
> promised to give a verdict on my negatives. Should be interesting.
> Chris
> --
> Christer Almqvist

Oh just show her your cameras, that's all she'll need to see…


Oh and prints!

I gotta say I've seen lots of peoples cameras, much fewer peoples
prints, fewer people than that even contacts, and very few peoples negs.
The negs would tell it all but what is done with them later on in the
process would also be a help. Like can he print them at all decently or
does he print them all "down" (too dark).

Slides are cool as they are in effect the print yet they were there when
the picture was taken and the light of the subject in the picture is
what touched them, not an enlarger light.. 
And light table or projection. Two hugely different venues. Contexts.

One persons stack of archaival prints is another persons slides spred
out on a light table.

Just some thoughts;  the idea of HCB shooting Ektachrome just threw me
for a loup.
Ektachrome 64. God that stuff was nasty. An 81B would not even warm it
up enough.
High speed Ektachrome was 125 I recall. 

Mark Rabiner
Portland, Oregon USA
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Doug Herr
Birdman of Sacramento
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