Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/10/24

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Subject: Re: [Leica] to crop or not to crop now VIEWFINDERS
From: joelct <>
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2003 08:46:22 +0800 (SGT)
References: <>

Hello Marty

Thank you for this fascinating revelation.

Did your friend pass verdict on the SL2 and the newer Nikon FM3a?


Joseph Low

- --- Marty Deveney <> wrote:

> I have a friend who is an optical engineer who claims he is an avid
> photographer.  What he is actually is terrifying - he's a viewfinder
> fascist.
> He takes few pictures because he is always looking for a better
> viewfinder.
> He tears the things apart, documents what exactly it is that is
> 'wrong' with them, reassembles and sells the cameras.  In incredible
> numbers.  The only SLR camera he has retained long-term is a
> Leicaflex SL2.
> He has provided me with many interesting facts.  Like:
> >>So far, the only 100% (actually 98%) viewfinders that I know are
> the
> >>Nikon F and F2 
> >The Nikon F3, F4, and F5 also provide 100% viewfinders.
> None of the Nikon F cameras have a true 100% viewfinder.  They are
> in the 99%+ range, but they are not 100%.  The Minolta Dynax 9 _is_
> the only true 100% viewfinder currently available in an SLR.  My
> friend talks about others that have existed but most are cameras
> I've never heard of and those that I have heard of are obscure and
> have other problems associated with their use.  As such I have no
> interest in them.
> Someone mentioned the Nikon N100.  If you mean the F100, Nikon says
> it has a 96% viewfinder coverage.  Which usually means a bit less,
> because they usually only use the longest horizontal dimension.
> Mike Johnston wrote a nice rant here: 
> It's amazing how few people understand WHY the view through their
> camera looks as it does.
> None of which has much to do with cropping, BUT it might in critical
> situations where you can take your time to set up.  Which has very
> little to do with the kind of thing most people use their Leicas
> for.
> The end.
>                       "Jorge M. Treviño"                           
>                       <>           To:      
> <>                                 
>                       Sent by:                            cc:       
>                       owner-leica-users@mejac.palo        Subject: 
> Re: [Leica] to crop or not to crop                                  
>                       10/21/2003 03:03 PM                           
>                       Please respond to                             
>                       leica-users                                   
> Liam,
> Almost by definition, Leicas are imprecise framing cameras.
> As much as I hate loosing any of the meager "real state" of 35mm,
> with most
> of the 35mm cameras I use (Leica M6, MP, IIIf; Nikon FM2) I would
> never be
> able to preview the exact framing that I'm getting on film so
> cropping is
> the rule of the game. You are of course aware that the framing of
> rangefinders vary with the subject distance and the lens in use.
> SLR's crop
> as much as 10% of the film area in the viewfinder so it's also a
> guessing
> game. So far, the only 100% (actually 98%) viewfinders that I know
> are the
> Nikon F and F2 and the Rollei 6000 series. I also have a 4x5 field
> camera
> but there the framing depends on the film holder used.
> FWIW, I get my black frames in the darkroom (a medium sized hassle)
> or in
> photoshop.
> - --Jorge.
> * * * *  * * * *
> - ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Liam Maloney" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 1:29 PM
> Subject: [Leica] to crop or not to crop
> > I confess - I hate cropping my photos. In fact, I
> > almost never do it. I know, I know, I'll never make it
> > as a photographer if I don't crop - I just don't like
> > doing it. I have this idea that cropping somehow takes
> > away from the purity of the moment I captured in the
> > viewfinder. More sensible people would look at my work
> > and find a way to crop (and improve)every single image
> > in my portfolio. But I argue that a good photographer
> > learns to get better by printing full frame.
> >
> > Anyone else feel this way?
> >
> > FWIW, I haven't decided which version of Steve's ICU
> > photo I like better. Full frame as a part of a picture
> > story, cropped as a single image, I think. Nice work.
> >
> > -Liam
> >
> >
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