Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/11/14

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Subject: Re: [Leica] RE: OT: Nikon out of film cameras ?
From: Frank Dernie <>
Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 06:54:55 +0000

This is interesting from a technical point of view. Given the current 
design of imaging chips there were a limited number of choices open to 
1. They could make a completely new design of SLR or M using a 24x36 
sensor .
2. They could commission the manufacture of a 24x36 sensor specially 
designed in layout to fit into the film gate of normal film camera 
suitable for a custom digital back for an existing film camera.
3. They could make a custom back using the largest conventional sensor 
which would fit in an existing film gate.

Leica is not huge, otherwise either choice 1 or 2 would be feasible. 
Volume is so low that their chosen route was, I imagine, the only 
workable one. As far as quality goes I think the proposed R back will 
produce results as good or better than film. IME the Canon 10D is 
competitive with 35mm film for almost all my uses. The big disadvantage 
of smaller chips is inferior performance in poor light and the Leica R 
back chip is several times bigger than the P&S chips and bigger than 
Olympus E1, Canon 10D and Nikon digital SLR sensors, all of which give 
good results.
My only disappointment over the size of the R digital chip size is that 
my 19mm will have the same angle of view as a 24.
Many people on this list seem quite satisfied with a digital P&S which 
has a chip smaller than a Minox film frame and a zoom lens. I don't 
think anybody would expect a piece of film this size to produce such 
good results.

I think the use of the SD card is simply because of the Panasonic 
electronic link. Panasonic have completely committed to the SD route 
believing that with the advance in technology CF cards will be much 
bigger than is necessary for the memory sizes available. They are 
probably right but I fear SD cards are too easily lost! I regret this 
choice as well - but I will almost certainly be buying the Leica 
digital back!

On Friday, November 14, 2003, at 11:41  pm, Félix López de Maturana 

>> Who knows if full-frame is really necessary? Nikon doesn't have one 
>> and
>> it's not really missed that much.
>> I think Olympus is on the right track. Why should something from 35mm 
>> be
>> transplanted onto digitial?
>> Daniel
> Daniel
> Opinions are free. Mine is just opposite to yours and based in my 
> experience
> as I've shooted firstly with a small sensor and afterward with a, so 
> called,
> full format sensor. So for me it's necessary as the output is 
> measurably
> better. Maybe not for others. But I'd like to distinguish between 
> necessary
> and affordable. So, to come back on topic, I'm afraid Leica may be 
> mistaken
> with his R digital back not being full format. He tried to but it was 
> too
> expensive. So smaller means cheaper not better. Another matter about 
> I'm in
> doubt is the choice of mass storage being, again in my experience and 
> in my
> opinion, much better the CF than SD (I think) cards chosen by Leica 
> for the
> R back probably for a size issue.
> Felix
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