Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/12/11

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Subject: RE: [Leica] The fine line between art and pornography
From: George Lottermoser <>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 14:37:15 -0600

Quite so. I believe that this "art" falls between accepted forms. Rather than discussing it within the realm of "photographic art"; I believe that we must discuss it in terms of "conceptual art" traditions, which usually cross lines into "theatre art." And so we may be looking at documents (not art) of a post performance (also not art), which when brought together causes thoughts and strong emotions - "conceptual art."

Those who don't find these ideas fascinating will feel disgusted and turned off. Others will find the ideas thought provoking. 

I've always loved walking up to the edge and looking over.

Tim Atherton12/11/03

>the implication being it
>virtually forces them to think about it - presumably against their >will?
>There is very little art that succeeds in that

Fond regards,

G e o r g e   L o t t e r m o s e r,    imagist

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