Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/12/21
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]RUBEN BLÆDEL asked: Subject: Re: [Leica] Re: Inspired but arrested > This Mall thing of yours - when is it going to cover all of the US? and > by the way is there a camera shop in the Mall ? - if so - do you have > to leave the Mall before you can try your purchase ? <<<< Ruben, To make sure you understand what a mall is please allow me to make a quick explanation as I'm sure from your comments you have no idea how they function. Malls are privately owned business locations affording a great number of business owners of independent shops and large corporate department stores to be housed in enclosed building locations usually on the outskirts of many large cities in the USA and here in Canada. These type of Malls are in many countries, also privately owned, although they may not have the strict regulations we do in North America regarding free roaming photographers access to the inside of the buildings. In the US and Canada if you are a legitimate news-photographer on assignment to show the throngs of Christmas shoppers, then yes you can shoot all you want... after clearing it with the public relations people for the mall. Been there, done it many times. Why can the news guys do it and not some guy with a camera? Simple. One is a legitimate assignment for a news story about Christmas shopping. But the guy just walking around with a camera playing HCB can become a pain in the ass to the mall owners if the shooter ticks of a patron and the mall gets complaints "someone took my picture and who is this photographer and why is he taking my picture in your mall? My lawyer will be calling!" Now remember you are on private property and on private property there are usually rules and regulations about using a camera, even in your country I'm sure. So it's no big thing in the USA, Canada or in many countries about the world. Many of these malls do have camera stores, but it's no big deal about trying a camera outside the shop if some one is buying and wishes to try it out side the store, however that's a major difference than walking about taking pictures of people shopping. I might also add since the unfortunate incident of 9/11 there are many people and companies in the USA who are very, shall we say, "Touchy" about photographs being taken of themselves and premises. ERGO: You maybe shooting in all innocents when you are challenged ..."Why are you taking pictures?" Followed by any number of scary questions. Generally meaningless questions by insecure security people trying to impress the boss. :-( > you US LUGgers should put small stickers on the Malls were photographers are asulted this way ! > would not want to visit the US and end up in jail for bringing a camera!<<< No need for stickers as most photographers understand one cannot take pictures in a mall without permission. However, if one were a visitor from another country a few pictures will hardly get one in trouble if it's pointed out they are tourists. And as far as being put in jail for using a camera in America or Canada it's highly unlikely. So come along sometime to North America and have a wonderful picture taking time. :-) Trust me there aren't any really magical pictures in a mall so forget them. ;-) ted - -- To unsubscribe, see