Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/02/06
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Hi B.D. I believe that the MAP has risen to $2695 and if you note he says call for last minute prices. This tends to make you think that the prices might be bit better if you call in person. The M7 silver .85 is not standard stock since it is not in Leica's catalog. Steve - -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of B. D. Colen Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 1:41 PM To: Subject: RE: [Leica] LEICA FEB SALE PRICES Good God! If $2695 is the SALE PRICE for an M7, what is the normal list price these days? And why is the SALE PRICE $200 over the price for which B&H is selling the same cameras? Just curious... ;-) B. D. - -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of MEL LEVY Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 1:20 PM To: Subject: [Leica] LEICA FEB SALE PRICES CALL FOR LAST MINUTE ARRIVALS OR PRICES SPECIAL ORDER M7 SILVER .85 IN STOCKâ€â€$2695.00 NEW LEICA–O-CAMERA new ,box, case ,warr.$1495.00 last one M7TTL .72, .85 new passport warr. $2695.00 M7TTL Display model as new passport warr $2325.00 M6 MILLENIUM 2000 SET W/2LENSES matching,WARR $5800.. M6TTL .72 silver sealed in bag, box Mint ++$1350.00 24/2.8 M asph Like new 1yr. warr. 3yr+$50.00 now. $1750.00 35/2 M Asph sample UNUSED 1yr. warr $1350.00 3yr+$50.00 90/2.8 M black slim version 1yr. war. Mint boxed $1050.00 135/2.8M w/bug eyes& special hard case NEW IN BOX $1400.00 Bessa R black new $320.00 LEICA PROJECTOR (Color 2,P2000,P2002) all the same New in sealed box, 6 lenses, BEST PROJ .LEICA EVER MADE--ALL METAL--CALL 1978 Handbook 312 pages $5.00 Leica Filters all sizes in stock CALL LEICA inst. Books 3F to R9 Call Leica handbook 2003 6â€Âx 9†Hard cover $15.00 Leica original Catalogs HUNDREDS in stock CALL LAYAWAY PLAN OR PAYMENTS –CALL For an emailed quote on anything. Write ******************* SPECIAL ONE TIME OFFER***************** R9 Anthracite & 28-70/ROM lense. w/ passport warr. Brand new $3595.00 value. ONLY $2995.00 Limited supply . R9 Passport warr. $2295.00 R8 mint+1yr. warr.$990.00 box, strap,book 3yr warr.avail. Last one GREAT BUY FOR USE W/ NEW DIGITAL BACK GOLD R3 w/50/1.4 lense,1000 made,OSCAR BARNACK,NEW$4800.00 16/2.8 R New sealed $1875.00 21/4 R Super Angulon box, 1yr warr. Mint 3 cam $990.00 28-70R ROM 1yr warr. $780.00 mint,box, case 50/2R ROM new $770.00 21-35R ASPH passport warr. $2395.00 . 180/4 R 3cam Like New in box $995.00 180/2.8R APO ROM New $3295.00 SAVE $1000. NOW $2350.00 180/2.8R ROM new 3yr warr. $1890.00 280/2.8R APO-TELYT new w/alum case,warr $5200.00 2X Apo extender ROM 1yr. warr. like new $1095.00 19/2.8 R oldstyle lense cap NEW in box $25.00 E67 Leica Circular Polarizer w/case Mint. $195.00 reg.$299. ELPRO for 100/2.8 & case. Mint $375.00-- reg $530.00 Leica lens caseBlack,hard,padded I.D.8.5â€ÂDPX3.3/8â€ÂDia.F/long lense, NEW in box $50.00 good for 180,250 or 2 lenses,etc Prices subject to change without notice Mel Levy, 1982 N Rainbow #231, Las Vegas, NV 89108 Phone 702-254-1378, Fax 702-254-1332, E-Mail SEND YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS, FAX NO. TO GET ON MAILING LIST _________________________________________________________________ Let the advanced features & services of MSN Internet Software maximize your online time. - -- To unsubscribe, see - -- To unsubscribe, see - -- To unsubscribe, see