Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/06/03

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Subject: [Leica] Re: Depression
From: grduprey at (
Date: Thu Jun 3 06:23:22 2004

Well said Ted and Tina.  Not being a professional photographer, I find it
hard to put a price on my work when I have the occasional sale.  I often
end up selling it for far less than it is worth.  Maybe this is a possible
topic for this forum?  This would go a long way to educate those of us who
would like to sell some photos, but do not have a good reference on how to
price our work.


|         |           Ted Grant <>                 |
|         |           Sent by:                                     |
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|         |                                                        |
|         |           06/02/2004 10:45 AM                          |
|         |           Please respond to Leica Users Group          |
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  |                                                                                         |
  |       To:       Leica Users Group <>                                 |
  |       cc:                                                                               |
  |       Subject:  Re: [Leica] Re: Depression                                              |

Tina Manley offered realistically!

>>>> But photojournalists do sell fine art prints, as is shown on that
> site.  Freelance photojournalists also sell the rights to use their
> to magazines.  Unless they are doing work for hire, they receive no
> benefits or salary.  If "thousands of photographs by the world's best
> photographers" can be sold for $17.95 each, it's time to look for another
> profession.<<<<<<<

How true!!!!!!!!!

What many amateur photographers do not understand is that just taking the
pictures is only a tiny, "all though major part" of being a
it's the aftersales/use that make the difference between survival and
success for many of us.

Many do not understand it's the selling of rights to use the picture that
are the key economic aspect to money in the bank or not. Or income to pay
for new Leica gear or whatever.

And the usual amateur response regarding buying gear that drives me carzy
is... "well at least you can right it off!" Yeah that's right we can, but
hell we've got to "EARN IT FIRST!"

Just being paid a few hundred dollars for a day of shooting isn't what it's
all about, it's "where and what is the picture being used for?" And a few
pennies or dollars from a poster sale is quite frankly peanuts for anyone's

It may look good "Wow your picture sold 5000 posters @ $17.95? I'd sure
to have the income from that!" Yep at .25 cents per poster ___"royalty"
you're going to feed your family a lot of food! :-(


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