Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2005/01/06

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Subject: [Leica] WTB - Starter Camera for 12 yr old
From: bparsons at (
Date: Thu Jan 6 10:25:35 2005

It seems to me that your friend should have a talk with the kid re a
digital camera. ?I would think a 12-year-old would consign a non-digital
camera to the closet with the drums in pretty short time.
If they spent a grand on the drums, maybe they can raise the stakes a bit.
Examples I might suggest are Canon G3, used; Panasonic (Leica zoom)
DMC-FZ10, used.
These are nice cameras and can be used in manual mode. ?They are expensive
enough that, even used, they should be in good condition.

If I were 12 and getting a camera, I'd want one like my friends have, that
shows the picture right away. ?In addition, the savings from film
processing and prints in a few months will pay for almost any camera being

Bill Parsons
(cell) 617-680-2779
||   "Wade Heninger"            |                                        |
||   <>       |   ? ? ? ? To: ? ? ? ?Leica-Users       |
||   Sent by:                   |   <>  |
||   lug-bounces+bparsons=jhanco|   ? ? ? ? cc:                          |
||     |   ? ? ? ? Subject: ? ? ? ?[Leica] WTB -|
||                              |   Starter Camera for 12 yr old         |
||   01/06/2005 01:14 PM        |                                        |
||   Please respond to "Leica   |                                        |
||   Users Group"               |                                        |

A friend of mine has a kid just getting into photography. ?They want to get
an manual SLR camera with a 50 mm lens.

I was thinking of a Pentax ME Super, MX, Spotmatic or K1000, or an
equivalent camera from oly, canon or Nikon.

If you've got one you'd like to part with let me know. ?Their budget is
around $100, but after he told me the tale of the $1000 drum set that is no
longer used, I understand why he is limiting his initial investment.

:: w a d e ?h e n i n g e r

:: i n t e r a c t i o n ?d e s i g n

:: a d o b e ?s y s t e m s , ?i n c .

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In reply to: Message from heninger at (Wade Heninger) ([Leica] WTB - Starter Camera for 12 yr old)