Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/01/21

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Subject: [Leica] The "impending doom" of film
From: at (Douglas Sharp)
Date: Sat Jan 21 15:35:17 2006
References: <> <001101c61ed9$1795af20$2ee76c18@ted>

Ted Grant wrote:

> Excuse me do we still have just as many horse and buggies on the 
> street as in the pre-car days? Nope! But horses and carts are still 
> around.

And the prophets of doom predicted that, by 1930, New York would be 4 
feet deep in horse manure ;-)
That the railways were no alternative to stagecoaches
That road transport would never be a challenge to the railways
Some even said the Titanic was unsinkable

>  Have a nice weekend wherever you are. :-)
> ted

An excellent sentiment

Replies: Reply from lug at (Steve Unsworth) ([Leica] The "impending doom" of film)
In reply to: Message from richard-lists at (Richard) ([Leica] The "impending doom" of film)
Message from tedgrant at (Ted Grant) ([Leica] The "impending doom" of film)