Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/03/27

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Subject: [Leica] Another perennial bag option.
From: leicam4pro at (Photo Phreak)
Date: Tue Mar 27 11:45:59 2007

Jeffery Smith <> wrote:    That is pretty much what I'm 
looking for. I'll give them a look.

Jeffery Smith
New Orleans, LA

Go the Aussie Crumplers! If nothing else, you owe yourself a visit to the
website for entertainment value. Turn the sound on. All of my Lowepro bags
are sitting in the cupboard. I use the "six million dollar home" for my M
outfit. This range are satchel types. The features that I especially like
are the configurable partitions, single layer storage, soft, body
conformable structure and the excellent angled, broad strap that makes the
bag sit flat against your side.


  There are so many bags, and so many different needs.
      When I went back to college after the Army, in 1973, I had the chance 
to spend a day at an airshow.  I learned a lot that day.  I was carrying two 
Nikon Ftn's, long lenses, and a Leica M4 with a couple of wide angles and a 
50.  By the end of the day I felt I had been beaten up.  
      I started to do some serious thinking.  I had survived Viet Nam's heat 
and carrying a lot more than camera gear and not felt so beat-up.  Then it 
hit me.  Balance the load !  So I started brainstorming a better way for all 
day projects.
      I went looking for some Army surplus.  A pistol belt, pack suspenders, 
two canteens and a multitude of small camera pouches that could be modified 
to attach to the belt and suspenders.  This may be a bit over the top for 
casual shooting or street shooting, but it fits well for auto races, 
airshows, or all day tramping through the woods.
      I carry a towel, plastic bags, toilet paper, lens cleaning kit, a 
lunch and snack food, and two quarts of water.  If needed, a jacket and/ or 
rain gear.
      And then I start adding all the camera gear needed for the occasion.
      For times when I am not going to be out in the wilds, or in large 
crowds where there may be long lines in front of the necessities,  a simple 
belt with three small pouches, or a hikers net vest with some large pockets 
works well.  And sometimes one of the old Domkie tan canvas bags.
      Since heat is the enemy of all cameras and film, I avoid anything 
black or dark brown.  ( But my camera bodies are black,  because at one time 
that was less obtrusive and noticable  ) 
      What I avoid at all costs are the expensive leather bags that seem to 
scream "Steal me ! "  If fact, on one vacation I used one of those soft, 
plaid, picnic coolers for a camera bag.  It did a great job keeping film 
cool as well.......

Now that's room service! Choose from over 150,000 hotels 
in 45,000 destinations on Yahoo! Travel to find your fit.

In reply to: Message from jsmith342 at (Jeffery Smith) ([Leica] Re:Another perennial bag question.)