Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/04/20

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Subject: [Leica] NPR story
From: mark at (Mark Rabiner)
Date: Fri Apr 20 23:50:31 2007

On 4/20/07 8:53 PM, "Tina Manley" <> typed:

> At 07:01 PM 4/20/2007, you wrote:
> I'm having trouble with the logic.
>> You can choose an angle that doesn't show the legs.
>> You can crop out the legs.
>> You can open your Nocti to f/1 and blur them to oblivion.
>> You can ask the legs to please go away.
>> But you can't 'shop out the legs.
> I totally agree, Phil.  Well said.
> Tina
> Tina Manley, ASMP, NPPA

I bet in 20 years of looking at LIFE magazine much more was done to just
about every picture we ever saw and never doubted for a second.
And still should not doubt. All image of public record in the public
conscious and or unconscious. They were not distortions. They just cleaned
things up so you could see the image and it made a clear message.
Only it was done with airbrush not Photoshop.

As long as the truth of the image is not distorted I say spray or clone all
you want. Not that I'm the one anybody's asking.

Has LIFE been discredited? Everybody knows about it. And always did.
No I think the photojournalism in LIFE has an OK rep. not great maybe.
But not lousy either.
I think its a standard even.

As good as "LIFE".

And then came the breakfast cereal.
Kind of bland.
Needed something.

Mark Rabiner
New York, NY

Replies: Reply from images at (Tina Manley) ([Leica] NPR story)
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