Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/01/21

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Subject: [Leica] OT: Nikon D300 impressions so far
From: mark at (Mark Rabiner)
Date: Mon Jan 21 13:57:55 2008

If low noise was a key issue then I think we are looking not at the D300 but
the D3 whose format is twice the size across. That's what's got my attention
at least.
Certainly not the Oly  whole format is half the size across.
I'll take the twice not the half please.

This is  comparing cameras of two different formats as if they are equals'
Like saying "Gee there's a new  Linhof Master Technika out and  a Rolleiflex
out which one do I want to get?
With no mention of the fact that one is brownie film and one is sheet film.
Nor what you'd shoot with it and what your output size and form would be.
Its like which one would look good in my glass case with my unicorn

I don't need a tweaked D200 the camera ain't broke and is a masterpiece. The
300 stuff I  don't bother with;
Its the "3"!

I'm just ready to start using some of my Nikor optics designed for full
frame as full frame optics. Like my 14mm as a 14mm.
Not the measly 21 it gets cropped down to become.
Gee! on an Oly its a 28!

Mark William Rabiner

Replies: Reply from richard-lists at (Richard Man) ([Leica] OT: Nikon D300 impressions so far)
Reply from s_gregory1 at (Scott Gregory) ([Leica] OT: Nikon D300 impressions so far)
In reply to: Message from octabod at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda Navas) ([Leica] OT: Nikon D300 impressions so far)