Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/07/21

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Subject: Answer: [Leica] Canon G9; Interesting offer from Canon --How?
From: rsphotoimages at (rsphoto's email)
Date: Mon Jul 21 23:22:11 2008
References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>


OK.  Here's the deal ( I just opted for the G9 this morning so this is  
the latest).

Call1 800 828-4040 betwen 0800 and midnight EST weekdays or Saturday  
1000 to 2000.  pPush the appropriate buttons to get to the Canon  
PowerShot desk.

You'll get a Screener who sets up the conversation with the department  
that actually takes your order and (Credit Card Number, so be ready)  
and gives you a Case Number etc.

The first guy will want the Serial Number of the G5.  It's on a  
metallic sticker on the bottom adjacent to the display screen.  He may  
ask you when you bought the camera, so ask your friend as this is  
probably an important "transaction validity" question.

Once though that hurdle he'll hot transfer you to the guy who explains  
the program rules and warranty to you (6 months no questions asked  
replacement) and whether you want a G9 or a Rebel Xt.  jRebel Xt is  
$275.00.   (Rebel XTi and XSi not part of the program, nor are the D  
series pro DSLRS).

You give him your credit card number and mailing address and they  
either ship it over night or 2nd day air.  Total for the G9 (full kit  
in box - not just a body) is $ 250.00 plus tax and shipping.

Someone needs to be home to sign FedEx package.

That's about it.  My G9 will be here sometime Wednesday morning.

You may be in luck because they no longer require the fully kit you  
bought, just the G5 body.  Just as well, since the G9 uses a totally  
different batter and charging system.

Good luck.


On Jul 19, 2008, at 11:12 AM, Jerry Lehrer wrote:


Since I am not the original owner of the trashed G5, I do not have the  

I cannot find the phone number of Canon Tech Support as I have no  
owners paperwork;
only a water filled G5..


photo's email wrote:
> Jerry:
> I called Canon Tech Support and they outlined their repair program  
> and their Customer Loyalty Exchange Program.
> $ 150 to repair, $250 for a refurbished G9, $275 for a Digital Rebel  
> (don't know which of the 3 models).
> Even thought about breaking into LeiCanon with the Russian adaptor  
> for my 28-90 Asph and 70-180 APO.
> Anyway, no harm in trying a little social Engineering with MegaGiant  
> Canon!!  Let us know wha happens.
> Bob
> You call them, give them the serial number (maybe they check for  
> warranty - don't know this)
> On Jul 18, 2008, at 2:15 PM, Jerry Lehrer wrote:
> Slobodan,
> A chap at work recently gave me a trashed G5.  It had not survived a  
> 40 fot fall onto rocks
> and then bounced into a tidal pool.  Not a piece of glass is unbroken!
> Where and how can I turn it in plus $250 for a refurbished G9?  The  
> local dealer does not
> know f___-all  about it any such arrangements.
> Jerry Lehrer
> slobodan dimitrov wrote:
>> If it goes to 28mm, then great. Being able to record with it is  
>> another plus.
>> I'm tired of beating up the SLR on construction sites.
>> I've tried the Lumix and the Coolpix. They are both poor visually,  
>> with limited functions.
>> The Leica D-lux is not much better from the shots I've seen.
>> Getting software to clean up the images is not an option.
>> Which makes something along the lines of the G10 attractive.
>> S.
>> On Jul 18, 2008, at 4:20 AM, rsphoto's email wrote:
>>> Slobodan:
>>> G10 sounds great but then, so does R10.  G10 would probably push  
>>> $500 to $600.00 pretty hard.  Refurbished G9 is $ 250.00
>>> In each case, G10/R10 probably beyond my financial reach.  I'll  
>>> continue to slog along with my R8/9 kit (not a harsh course) for  
>>> forseeable future.
>>> But I do need to do something about my ailing G5 now.
>>> Mark has a point but the Leica DLux 3 is lovely and petite, much  
>>> more money than the Refurbished G9 and is Leica's last but not  
>>> ltheir atest effort.
>>> Bob
>>> On Jul 17, 2008, at 7:42 AM, slobodan dimitrov wrote:
>>> According to a Canon rumor site, there is a G10 on the horizon.
>>> Might be worth the wait until September.
>>> s.
>>> On Jul 16, 2008, at 9:10 PM, rsphoto's email wrote:
>>>> My G5 is finally dying.  The flip out display has lunched and  
>>>> menus don't work.
>>>> In my business and personal life, I found that a decent (not  
>>>> great) digital rangefinder is a very, very handy tool so I'm  
>>>> about to replace it.
>>>> For passion, I turn to film and my R's (8 and 9).
>>>> I looked at the Panaleicas but my sense is that they may not be  
>>>> up to the Canon G9 - which, admittedly, has a larger price tag
>>>> But Canon has a Customer Loyalty Program that is very tempting;   
>>>> since my G5 will cost at least $ 150.00 to repair, and they'll  
>>>> exchange my G5 for their Factory Rebuilt G9 for $250.00, I'm  
>>>> leaning away from the rangefinder form factor PanaLeicas.
>>>> They also offered me a Digital Rebel with the usual Kit Lens for  
>>>> $ 275.00
>>>> Anyone out their played with both and have some thoughts about  
>>>> this?
>>>> I'd like to remain loyal to Leica (once-removed, albeit) but I  
>>>> don't know if the latest Panasonic digital rangefinders are  
>>>> nearly as good, let alone better in a straight-up comparison.
>>>> Thank you!
>>>> Bob in Seattle
>>>> __

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In reply to: Message from neilschneider2 at (Neil Schneider) ([Leica] New series)
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Message from images at (Tina Manley) ([Leica] New series)
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Message from imagist3 at (Lottermoser George) ([Leica] New series)
Message from glehrer at (Jerry Lehrer) ([Leica] New series)
Message from rsphotoimages at (rsphoto's email) ([Leica] Canon G9 vs the PanaLeicas; Interesting offer from Canon)
Message from s.dimitrov at (slobodan dimitrov) ([Leica] Canon G9 vs the PanaLeicas; Interesting offer from Canon)
Message from rsphotoimages at (rsphoto's email) ([Leica] Canon G9 vs the PanaLeicas; Interesting offer from Canon)
Message from s.dimitrov at (slobodan dimitrov) ([Leica] Canon G9 vs the PanaLeicas; Interesting offer from Canon)
Message from glehrer at (Jerry Lehrer) ([Leica] Canon G9; Interesting offer from Canon How?)
Message from rsphotoimages at (rsphoto's email) ([Leica] Canon G9; Interesting offer from Canon How?)
Message from glehrer at (Jerry Lehrer) ([Leica] Canon G9; Interesting offer from Canon --How?)