Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/08/11

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Subject: [Leica] Roadside Attractions in Darwin and Keeler, California
From: philippe.amard at (Philippe AMARD)
Date: Mon Aug 11 13:53:59 2008
References: <!&!>

Oliver Bryk wrote:

>I posted a few images from The Land of Little Rain, made on Optima 100 with
>M6 and Summicron 35mm, at

Looks like a survivor of Toy story - great catch
thanks for sharing

>   and
>Keeler lies on the eastern shore of essentially waterless Owens Lake; Darwin
>is a bit further south-east.
>Comments cheerfully considered.
>Leica Users Group.
>See for more information

In reply to: Message from oliverbryk at (Oliver Bryk) ([Leica] Roadside Attractions in Darwin and Keeler, California)