Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/11/17

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Subject: [Leica] happy birthday Philippe - NOW: George SUGGESTED:-)
From: philippe.amard at (Philippe AMARD)
Date: Mon Nov 17 01:06:53 2008
References: <7au4gf$> <> <8090FB0A68084F1CBAA3BDFACBA6BE96@dadquad>

Geoff Hopkinson wrote:

>Philippe has a track record of knowing where the 'ejection thingie' is,
>however the Arm?e de l'Air doesn't operate the F/A-18!

So Geoff you remember this Martin Baker thing on the Jaguar :-)
Here's one in my Fouga Magister days
No ejection seat there, mind the V shaped tail - ouch !

>He may have to make do with a Dassault product. Incidentally the ride out of
>the aircraft if you have to use the ejection seat is rather wilder than
>anything you might experience inside the aircraft. Of course the alternative
>is somewhat worse. As an egress systems specialist, I knew one pilot who had
>ejected three times. Personally I think that is a clue that you might
>consider another occupation. Still I always wanted to become famous as the
>first armourer to get to live test an ejection seat.   
Reminds me also of a liaison Army major on the base who was finally 
offered a backseat a few days before retirement.
Hard luck! The plane was stuck by a lightning, the plane was lost, and 
they had to bail out.
First flight and first ejection.
We all celebrated this on Kougelhopf and Alsace wine when they returned, 
he still a bit shaky and bruised but complete :-D
Boys will be boys.


>Pick up your camera and make the best photo you can.
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of
>Ken Carney
>Sent: Monday, 17 November 2008 11:05
>To: 'Leica Users Group'
>Subject: RE: [Leica] happy birthday Philippe - NOW: George SUGGESTED:-)
>Somewhere around here I have a McDonnell-Douglas sales film on the F-18
>(Hornet).  If I can find it I will send it to you.  The pilot is really
>pumped.  He says, "OK, suppose you're on a bomb run and there is an aerial
>threat.  Why, you just switch to dogfight mode on the stick (the selection
>really did say dogfight), destroy that threat, and continue on.  Now let's
>get this baby in the air..."  Go for it, but please do have the pilot show
>you where that ejection thingie is.  The amount of paperwork you will have
>to sign is probably a new record.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: [mailto:lug-
>>] On Behalf Of Ted Grant
>>Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2008 4:09 PM
>>To: 'Leica Users Group'
>>Subject: [Leica] happy birthday Philippe - NOW: George SUGGESTED:-)
>>George Lottermoser suggested:
>>>Indeed - enjoy your special day, Philippe.
>>>I always encourage folks to do something totally out of the > 
>>their birthday.<<<<,
>>Hi George,
>>Absolutely do something as wild as you've always wanted to do.
>>the older you get, because if you don't do it before you die it ain't 
>>going to happen!
>>It's like this............
>>Obviously never tell your wife first if it's something really stupid! 
>>Like taking your first and only solo parachute jump on your 65 birthday!
>>Because you always thought it would be neat to try.
>>(Note to married guys!)
>>Really don't tell her that one before you jump because you may never 
>>live to do it. Actually if I did it again, I was without question 
>>told,.... "I will kill you even if you land safely!" Man there was fire 
>>in her eyes. So I didn't do it again.
>>However on a more fun note on the 76th birthday day, I flew in a P51 
>>Mustang doing all kinds of cool things barrel rolling, loop the loops 
>>and doing imaginary dog fights with the on-coming Hun 109's! :-)
>>No I didn't tell her that one either until it was over. Didn't seem to 
>>be as big a problem as I was in a plane with a parachute on! The story 
>>may have been quite different if she'd seen us flipping about the sky! 
>>Damn good wonderful birthday gifts. :-)
>>George is right, always do something really different and to hell with 
>>the age!
>>I already have two things in the works for the 80th next May.
>>One or the other of these two.
>>I ride in a submarine when it dives ... A navy attach? buddy is working 
>>on this. However given the state of the Canadian submarines jumping 
>>with a parachute was a much safer idea! :-)
>>Second... A big discussion three weeks ago in Ottawa with a high ranking 
>>air force officer....... Not likely to happen. :-( But nothing ventured 
>>nothing gained! What the hell you can only die once! :-) And at 80 who 
>>really cares after the life I've had! :-)
>>But some key people think it's just crazy enough to work now that I'm 
>>"Doctor Grant" it might pull some extra weight. :-)
>>Man if you've got it one might as well use it, particularly for a ride 
>>in an RCAF CF18 fighter jet! Not sure what the American's call them, 
>>but it's our main fighter plane.
>>Yes I will take pictures for sure! Just as I did in the Mustang. See 
>>Steve Barbour's LUG photogs file and there I am hanging upside down like a
>>Sorry the long post, but Philippe, go for it old buddy something wild 
>>and crazy! You'll love it. :-) :-) :-)
>>Leica Users Group.
>>See for more information
>Leica Users Group.
>See for more information
>Leica Users Group.
>See for more information

In reply to: Message from tedgrant at (Ted Grant) ([Leica] happy birthday Philippe - NOW: George SUGGESTED:-))
Message from kcarney1 at (Ken Carney) ([Leica] happy birthday Philippe - NOW: George SUGGESTED:-))
Message from hoppyman at (Geoff Hopkinson) ([Leica] happy birthday Philippe - NOW: George SUGGESTED:-))