Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/12/18

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Subject: [Leica] PAW 50 : Phx - Foie Gras
From: philippe.amard at (Philippe AMARD)
Date: Thu Dec 18 12:42:39 2008
References: <> <> <> <> <>

Michiel Fokkema wrote:

> Thanks Philippe,
> I've done it plenty of times.
> I was educated as a chef.

Ah, ah !

> I like it most when stuffed into a caille with some truffle.
> Or just raw with some coarse sea salt, 

Never tried, how do you do that?

> or fried or whatever way, I like it.

Ever tried 'cooking' just by thermal shocks by taking it in and out of 
fridge repeatedly while still in the 'alcholic' mixture?
I read that once but have never tried.

> Cheers,
> Michiel Fokkema
> Philippe AMARD wrote:
>> Try to make your own - only temperature is a real issue - the rest is 
>> basic cooking - just like developing film ;-)
>> And you get 5 to 150 times as much pleasure for the same value ...
>> Phx
>> Michiel wrote:
>>> Foie gras,
>>> Still my favourite food.
>>> Thanks for showing,
>>> Michiel Fokkema
>>> 2008/12/18 Steve Unsworth <>:
>>>> I was in Castelnaudary last summer during the 'Fete du Cassuolet". 
>>>> Highly
>>>> recommended. Not exactly cassoulet weather by the Canal du Midi, 
>>>> but a very
>>>> enjoyable evening - with lots of rose at 2 Euros a glass drunk late 
>>>> into the
>>>> night - and ok, if not spectacular, cassoulet.
>>>> Steve
>>>> On 17/12/08 22:22, "Jerry Lehrer" <> wrote:
>>>>> Phillippe,
>>>>> By saying "have 7 skins", do you mean that I must have a crust formed
>>>>> and folded under 6 times before the
>>>>> final crust is formed ??   Hmm,  I've only done it two or three 
>>>>> times,
>>>>> but I will try for more.
>>>>> Jerry
>>>>> Philippe AMARD wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks for commeting Aram
>>>>>> By the Appelation contr?l?e definition, we're here with a 'Bloc', 
>>>>>> i.e.
>>>>>> the liver hasn't been minced, is complete but the bitter parts.
>>>>>> Enjoy the cassoulet - remember you have to have 7 skins before  you
>>>>>> can call it Cassoulet.
>>>>>> Thanks again
>>>>>> Philippe
>>>>>> Jerry Lehrer wrote:
>>>>>>> Philippe,
>>>>>>> Superb and mouth watering photos.
>>>>>>> However, I should clarify that what I see being made is PATE de 
>>>>>>> Fois
>>>>>>> Gras.   Fois Gras is merely the fattened liver
>>>>>>> of the goose.  It is used to make the delicious pate.
>>>>>>> I try to make it every year for New Years Eve celebration.  My
>>>>>>> daughters and my cats go insane when the dish is
>>>>>>> presented.
>>>>>>> This year I will make a Cassoulet instead
>>>>>>> I sincerely doubt if my cardiologist would approve of either dish.
>>>>>>> Jerry
>>>>>>> Philippe AMARD wrote:
>>>>>>>> As I know LRflexers and LUGgers alike enjoy cooking and sharing
>>>>>>>> recipes, this week's PAW might be of some interest for curious 
>>>>>>>> minds
>>>>>>>> and gourmets who have never seen Foie Gras being made, or made 
>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>> themselves.
>>>>>>>> The PAW is in fact a 10 snaps album, meant to mark a nice Saturday
>>>>>>>> afternoon spent with friends around Foie Gras, and to be found and
>>>>>>>> opened from here :.
>>>>>>>> C&C welcome.
>>>>>>>> Secrets of the trade could also be shared if I get permission from
>>>>>>>> Eric, Alice and Marie whom I thank so much for their dedication to
>>>>>>>> my putting on weight.
>>>>>>>> Bien cordialement de Metz
>>>>>>>> Phx
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Replies: Reply from michiel.fokkema at (Michiel Fokkema) ([Leica] PAW 50 : Phx - Foie Gras)
In reply to: Message from glehrer at (Jerry Lehrer) ([Leica] PAW 50 : Phx - Foie Gras)
Message from lug at (Steve Unsworth) ([Leica] PAW 50 : Phx - Foie Gras)
Message from michiel.fokkema at (Michiel ([Leica] PAW 50 : Phx - Foie Gras)
Message from philippe.amard at (Philippe AMARD) ([Leica] PAW 50 : Phx - Foie Gras)
Message from michiel.fokkema at (Michiel Fokkema) ([Leica] PAW 50 : Phx - Foie Gras)