Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2009/02/09

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Subject: [Leica] Thanks Howard! Re: The Battle of the 50mm 1.4's
From: ejcaliguri at (Edward J Caliguri)
Date: Mon Feb 9 14:42:00 2009

Thanks Howard!?The Nikon D700 is something else. I recall as a kid with a 
Nikkormat and 50 f/2.0 using a tripod in the cold for moonlit shots at 
midnight, with star tracks and all. Here - you can almost read the 
weathervane's 'rotor housing' or whatever it's called! I hope Leica is able 
to come to a good compromise between pixel size and number if and when the 
R10 hits the shelves. I am constantly amazed at how this D700 performs, and 
I like it much more than the new Canon 5D which has?more megapixels overall. 

No - not giving up he Leicas; But this shows that there is a place for a 
'few' system cameras in everyone's arsenal. 

But that Sigma 50mm! That looks like a Noctilux on Steroids! 


Replies: Reply from hopsternew at (Geoff Hopkinson) ([Leica] Thanks Howard! Re: The Battle of the 50mm 1.4's)
Reply from hlritter at (Howard Ritter) ([Leica] Thanks Howard! Re: The Battle of the 50mm 1.4's)