Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2009/04/19

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Subject: [Leica] Darkroom versus In-camera Creativity was G1 AVAILABLE LIGHT
From: nod at (Philip Clarke)
Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 19:12:14 +0100
References: <7au4gf$>

Ted Grant wrote:
> Philip Clarke offered:
>>> I cannot decide, should one shoot for the darkroom or shoot for a 
> straight print ? <<<<<<<<
Yes, started in mono on regional newspapers.

> In other words what you get the moment the digi cam shutter goes click! Is
> what you see in print. Yep and in the film/print darkroom the same
> philosophy applied for 50 years. Then I went digital and exactly the same
> method of shooting a "souping" still applies! 
Not a big Ansel Adam's fan then. I've been thinking (again), when I had
a high contrast night scene, (lots of balloons doing a tethered night
glow to music), then I shot on 400 pulled to 100 and then developed in
rodinal, because that was the only way of getting what was on the scene
onto a neg, since the contrast between the lit balloon, the people on
the ground lit by ambient, the burning flames shooting up (till was a
sod to burn in). But that was shooting so that the most realistic scene
was appearing on the neg, so I had to go to a lot of trouble and use my
darkroom knowledge to get what I had seen recorded. This is not an
answer I wanted... looks like I shall be shooting for the "darkroom",
flat low contrast raw files all round.


Replies: Reply from tedgrant at (Ted Grant) ([Leica] Darkroom versus In-camera Creativity was G1 AVAILABLE LIGHT)
In reply to: Message from tedgrant at (Ted Grant) ([Leica] Darkroom versus In-camera Creativity was G1 AVAILABLE LIGHT)