Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2012/01/22

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Subject: [Leica] Help with Nocti
From: steve.barbour at (Steve Barbour)
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2012 10:02:16 -0800
References: <> <> <>

Sent from my iPhone
Steve Barbour

On Jan 22, 2012, at 9:15 AM, Robert Adler <rgacpa at> wrote:

KEH's are in the 9,000 range. This is from a very reputable dealer who has
a devoted following, Dale Photo in FL.

On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 8:20 AM, Steve Barbour <steve.barbour at>wrote:

> KEH ? I 'd vote yes

Even better

> s
> Sent from my iPhone
> Steve Barbour
> On Jan 21, 2012, at 10:29 PM, Robert Adler <rgacpa at> wrote:
> I just received the following from an east coast dealer I'm working with .
> So far a new M and 35'cron built int 2004. Here is what I'm being told
> about the Nocti:
> "I have a nice used 4th Gen 50mm f/1 Noctilux with slide out shade that
> just came in a couple days ago. It is also not 6-bit coded and I'd rate it
> overall as a 8 or 9 out of 10. It has one area of wear on the underside of
> aperture ring, but otherwise pristine. Perfect glass and very smooth
> focusing, especially for a Noctilux f/1 (they tend to be stiff). I believe
> we are asking $6500 for it."
> He can send the Nocti to Leica NJ for coding and calibration.
> Are there questions, other than what is generation 4 (what is that?) and
> the comment "very smooth focusing, especial for a Noctilux f/1 (they tend
> to be stiff)".
> I'm a bit out of my area of expertise and hope some can provide guidance.
> Thanks to all,
> Bob (who managed to go out shooting today for the 1st time in 5 weeks...).
> It actually turned out to be a day of frights, but all are safe. More later
> after I have a chance to develop the images.
> --
> Bob Adler
> Palo Alto, CA
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Bob Adler
Palo Alto, CA

Leica Users Group.
See for more information

In reply to: Message from rgacpa at (Robert Adler) ([Leica] Help with Nocti)
Message from steve.barbour at (Steve Barbour) ([Leica] Help with Nocti)
Message from rgacpa at (Robert Adler) ([Leica] Help with Nocti)