Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2013/06/04

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Subject: [Leica] SD cards & magnets or quietest bag - Mark
From: john.o.newell at (J. Newell)
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 20:57:56 +0000 (UTC)

I did once have a card cloned, rather than just having the account 
information hijacked - it happened in the Providence, RI airport .? I have 
had several Citibank MCs hijacked over the years - this episode triggered an 
entirely different response by the bank.? I would guess that losses due to 
card cloning are a small fraction of overall card theft/hijacking losses 
(but I haven't researched it). 

I would guess the answer to the question someone posed later in this thread 
about why banks don't replace "dumb" cards with "smart" cards is simple: 
they presumably estimate that costs would exceed net savings.? Whatever else 
is true about banks, they tend to evaluate things in terms of the bottom 
line (though they certainly can get the facts wrong in making these 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Bill Pearce" <billcpearce at> 
To: "Leica Users Group" <lug at> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2013 1:17:23 PM 
Subject: Re: [Leica] SD cards & magnets or quietest bag - Mark 

Most of the tales about those cards being copied refer to something that 
happened in New York City, related by someone that lives in Hoxie Kansas, or 
Western Nebraska or Maytag Iowa. Don't know if any are true, but the sort of 
person that lives by choice in these very small towns is the sort of person 
that thinks that NYC is a den of iniquity and nothing good ever can happen 
there. They think that bad taco sauce is just the tip of the iceberg. But if 
the stories are true or not is of no concern, because whoever first said 
this is right: perception is reality. If folks think something is bad, IT 
IS. And the USA is slow to adopt anything done in Yurrip, it is a place 
where people who are too insane/perverted/dishonest/whatever live when thy 
can't move to New York. As the famous jazz piano player, singer and 
songwriter Dave Frishberg said, "I've never been to Calcutta, but until 
then, New York will do." 

Short response: Should we have these cards in common use? Don't know, but 
whatever you think it won't come soon. 

-----Original Message----- 
From: Frank Filippone 
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 9:42 AM 
To: 'Leica Users Group' 
Subject: Re: [Leica] SD cards & magnets or quietest bag - Mark 

We just researched this subject for our use.... 

Physically, there are 3 types of Credit Cards... Plus the Debit Versions, 
that only differ in where they take the money from. 

This is from a US perspective... foreign cards are more advanced! 

1) Normal old Credit cards.. like the ones they issued to me in 1970... Mag 
strip on the back, signature spot on back, signature required. ?( No one 
checks signatures any more...they want to see ID....) 

2) Card with Smart Chip... Signature required... The only type of Smart Card 
you can get in the USA ( with 1 exception, which I forget who offers). ?Not 
really too advanced over #1, but Europe can use them, sometimes. ?Sometimes 
not useable in Europe's automated ( or not) ATM or other credit card 

3) Smart Card with PIN.... ?Absolutely the most secure card. ?Swipe+ use 
PIN, no signature required... and what Europe has used for the past XXX 

The Smart Chip is an RFID chip, that allows for non-contact reading. 

All the talk about reading these Smart Chips while walking by a bad guy is 
in the US.... Paranoia.... ?If it were a real risk, Europe would not use 

For the Bankers among us... if the absolutely most secure solution is #3, 
and the Banks complain about fraud, why do they not change over? 

BTW, it took over an hour with CITI Bank to figure out what kind of card 
they were providing us with and 2 tries to get it right... ?We will see if 
it works in all.... 

Frank Filippone 
Red735i at 

Leica Users Group. 
See for more information 

Leica Users Group. 
See for more information 

In reply to: Message from billcpearce at (Bill Pearce) ([Leica] SD cards & magnets or quietest bag - Mark)