Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2014/07/21

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Subject: [Leica] [LRflex] Re: IMGs: Leitz Wetzlar Elmarit-R 1 : 2.8 / 24 mm on M: Grass Root Politics on the North Shore
From: leica_r8 at (Aram Langhans)
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 14:47:05 -0700
References: <> <BLU173-DS12725821F4382FF8242956B8F00@phx.gbl> <>

Glad it works for you.  M(240) is out of my price range.  If I would go with 
something similar it would most likely be a Sony A7 type of camera.  I would 
love to shoot Leica cameras again.  They feel so right, and I was very happy 
with my film results.  But at $8K, I cannot justify that.  Unfortunately, I 
cannot even say, maybe in 4-5 years when I can get a  used M(240) for 
perhaps $3k, because in 4-5 years I am sure I would want whatever is being 
produced then, with all the advantages it would bring.  Maybe 32 bit 
processing so metering is not really a necessity, or ultra fine randomly 
placed, three color sensitive pixels  in at 50MP chip that truly mimics 
film.  Who knows what is in the future.

I, too, have most all my R glass, and most is converted to Nikon mount. 
Only sold the 180/4 as I rarely used it, and the 100/4 macro when I replaced 
it with the 100/2.8 APO.  A stunning improvement.

I await the next lens in your arsenal to be put to the test.


From: "George Lottermoser" <george.imagist at>
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 2:31 PM
To: "Leica Users Group" <lug at>
Cc: <leicareflex at>
Subject: [LRflex] Re: [Leica] IMGs: Leitz Wetzlar Elmarit-R 1 : 2.8 / 24 
mmonM: Grass Root Politics on the North Shore

> On Jul 21, 2014, at 4:21 PM, Aram Langhans wrote:
>> Thanks for this, George.  It is too bad the lens will not fit on a full 
>> frame Nikon DSLR as I understand the mirror will hit the back ring of the 
>> lens.  Not the glass, I am told.  I do not wish to modify the mirror by 
>> grinding away a bit, nor do I wish to grind away at the back ring on the 
>> lens.  I'll hang on to my 24 until I deem it right to unload my R8.  The 
>> R8, woefully, has not had a complete roll of film through it in 6 years, 
>> but I am reluctant to part with it.
>> Aram
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "George Lottermoser" <george.imagist at>
>> Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 9:28 AM
>> To: "Group Users Leica" <lug at>
>> Cc: "Leica Reflex" <leicareflex at>
>> Subject: [LRflex] IMGs: Leitz Wetzlar Elmarit-R 1 : 2.8 / 24 mm on M: 
>> Grass Root Politics on the North Shore
>>> c & c always welcome and appreciated
>>> <>
> Personally, Aram, I'm currently terrifically happy that I have kept all my 
> Leica R glass.
> The R8/DMR has handled them with grace and gorgeous results;
> and now the M has returned them to their full frame potential.
> While the EVF has taken some getting used to;
> it's far from unworkable.
> My experience trying to use the R glass on the 10D, 20D and 5D
> was horrible by comparison; except under the most ideal conditions.
> The EVF with focus assist allows even stopping down in poor light;
> and the M ISO performance works in almost every condition I shoot in;
> especially with the wonderful wide open performance of Leica glass.
> I'd still love to have a full frame Leica DSLR;
> yet the M is certainly no slouch with ANY M or R lens;
> so far.
> Next up 35 mm R Summilux.
> Regards,
> George Lottermoser
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Replies: Reply from george.imagist at (George Lottermoser) ([Leica] [LRflex] Re: IMGs: Leitz Wetzlar Elmarit-R 1 : 2.8 / 24 mm on M: Grass Root Politics on the North Shore)
In reply to: Message from george.imagist at (George Lottermoser) ([Leica] IMGs: Leitz Wetzlar Elmarit-R 1 : 2.8 / 24 mm on M: Grass Root Politics on the North Shore)
Message from leica_r8 at (Aram Langhans) ([Leica] [LRflex] IMGs: Leitz Wetzlar Elmarit-R 1 : 2.8 / 24 mm on M: Grass Root Politics on the North Shore)
Message from george.imagist at (George Lottermoser) ([Leica] [LRflex] IMGs: Leitz Wetzlar Elmarit-R 1 : 2.8 / 24 mm on M: Grass Root Politics on the North Shore)