Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2015/10/13

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Subject: [Leica] Leica lenses on other cameras
From: mark at (Mark Rabiner)
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 14:14:01 -0400

People have grown tired of shooting through the middle of their lenes image
circles years ago. Once you get your lenses back you don't want to give them
up again. No I don't want my 24 turned into a 35. I want it to be what it
was designed to be. And why I spent all that money for it is because its
able to do what it was designed to do. Shoot nicely right out to the edges.

The only considerable plus to using full frame glass on cropped amateur
bodies is if you are using very long glass that glass gets a bit longer a
thing which rarely hurts in that context. And in good light not low light
that can be a help shooting your kids basketball games or birds

On 10/8/15 1:28 AM, "Frank Filippone" <red735i at> wrote:

> The advantage of the Fuji is that the camera only uses the central part of 
> the
> optics, making your good optics even appear better... And the smearing at 
> the
> periphery of the lens, is significantly reduced..... The disadvantage is 
> that
> your 28 has the FOV of a 42mm lens.....  Wides are tough....
The advantage of
> a FF camera ( A7 and variants) is that your 28 IS a 28 in field of view.  
> The
> disadvantage is that the wider angle lenses ( said to be .... 28mm and 
> less,
> but I have heard 35 or less, and I have heard 24 and less.. take your pick)
> have angles for the light rays that cause distortion through the sensor...
> smearing, vignetting. Etc....

I have both and A7 ( original) and Fuji (XE-1)
> cameras.

The disadvantage of both is when focusing, you are focusing at
> working aperture.... say F11, ... which means critically accurate  
> focusing is
> nearly impossible. There is too much DOF.
While many use the focus peaking
> function, I found it rather unsuitable.  I use the cameras as if they had
> ground glass ( remember those?) in them, and shut OFF focus peaking.  I 
> also
> use the magnified view ( I think it is 10x, but it might be 1:1, I am not
> sure) AND I keep my apertures pretty wide open... this makes focusing 
> pretty
> simple and my hit rate is high.  WRT to this last comment, the XT-1 has the
> function of having a dual view.... full view of the frame AND a different 
> area
> which is your focusing spot... which allows you to focus in magnified view 
> and
> see the entire FOV at the same time....  A real winner in my
> opinion.....

See, there really is no one BEST solution..... yet.  And given
> the constraints of your M lenses, there will never be a really good
> solution.

The Leica announcement on Oct 20 may prove worth waiting for.....
> And, if you like that solution, it will give you an additional 2 weeks to 
> save
> up your pennies for purchase of an entirely new system.....   Presumably
> priced about the same as a small house is worth....


> Filippone
Red735i at

-----Original Message-----
From: LUG
> [ at] On Behalf Of 
> Douglas
> Nygren via LUG
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2015 8:50 PM
To: Leica Users
> Group
Subject: [Leica] Leica lenses on other cameras

I've been thinking of
> buying a Sony A7RII and putting Leica M lenses on it.What are the pros and
> cons of doing this?
Am I right to think that wider angle lenses do less well
> on the camera?
My thought is that I'd use the first trip-elmar on it, the 28,
> 35, 50mm lens.
I also have a smilax 50 and 35, but my goal is to travel light.
> Less is more.
The alternative is to buy a Fuji XT-1 with he kit zoom and an
> additional 56mm lens.
When shooting with a Leica camera, I always preferred
> wider angle lenses.?A 35mm was about as long as I would go.?I like showing
> things in their environment, though I also like portraits.
I'm interest to
> hear what you all say.
I thank you all in
> advance.

> Users Group.
See for more
> information

Leica Users
> Group.
See for more information

Mark William Rabiner

In reply to: Message from red735i at (Frank Filippone) ([Leica] Leica lenses on other cameras)