Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/03/04

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Subject: Re: M4-P shutter problem / advice needed
From: Gary J Toop <>
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 1996 08:32:53 -0500 (EST)

On 3 Mar 1996, Fred N. Ward wrote:

> This is about the sticky slow shutter speed problem:
> I have owned Leicas for more than 4 decades. There is one incredible
> oversight with Leica that I have noticed in all M bodies (and, strangely,
> never in the golden-oldie 1930s models).  Leicas seem to come with truly
> lousy lubricants. Mine have never been serviced by anyone but Leitz in
> Germany and Leica USA.  I have Rolleis and very old Nikons and Canons that
> work at all shutter speeds even if they are not used for a year or more at a
> time. 
> But shutter speeds on my Leicas become sticky at slow shutter speeds unless
> they are fired regularly at slow speeds. I was told this once I noticed the
> problem in the 1960s and also told how to partially resolve it. I had and
> have several Leicas, some of which I use occasionally, and some never. If
> left to rest on shelves, they all develop this unique problem. Other cameras
> do not. The "fix" is relatively easy. All you do is once a month take each
> camera down and fire it about a dozen times at speeds slower than 1/30th, and
> the problem disappears. 
> The stickiness gets much worse in:  cold weather; in dirty environments; when
> the lubricant is more than 6 or years old; if the camera rests and is never
> used. 
> Fred Ward

	Perhaps this is a suggestion that we should pass long to Leica 
if they are looking for ways to modify the M-6, although I suspect that 
if Leica has stuck with the present lubricant for so long, there is a 

Gary Toop

In reply to: Message from (Fred N. Ward) (Re: M4-P shutter problem / advice needed)