Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1998/12/06

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Subject: Re: [Leica] M6TTL - Leica USA Pres Visit/DOF/Adjustments
From: Walter S Delesandri <>
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 16:55:30 -0600 (CST)

Sure, Mike, I'd love to have you print my post and give the ol' 
Prez a copy.  I'd love to be there in person.  However, don't expect 
the president of the company to know a damn thing about the 
camera OR photography -- it don't work that way anymore....Probably 
an MBA.....BTW, if you get to talk to him, mention that he MIGHT 
hire an ad agency, you know, one that doesn't suck........

Oh, also, the 1/3 -- 2/3 rule works with ANY lens on ANY camera....
if the RFDR focuses correctly on the same plane as the film, then 
the same rule holds true for a Leica.
The three user (i.e., normal repairman) adjustments on the M-RFDR 
are the infinity (the eccentric on the cam-follower), the vertical,
which moves the "swinging-telescope" up and down, and the close-
focus compensation (an eccentric that changes the "length" of the 
cam follower arm, which BTW interacts with the infinity adjustment
slightly - requiring repetitive back-and-forth adjustments)  All other 
RFDR "adjustments" were locked down in manufacture, and can't be 
reliably changed by even Leitz repairmen.  (the position of the 
beam-splitter prism, for example is NOT an "adjustment" that can/should 
be done outside the factory.)  Of course, the frameline mask can 
be adjusted, but that's not a "focus" adjustment.  Normally, the 
infinity adjustment should be checked every few years, and the 
adjustment "balanced" between a few lenses -- they do vary, but 
not more than a "hair".....The vertical (if they EVER get it right 
at the factory) should stay for pretty much the life of the 
camera, if it isn't banged too hard.....The near-focus (linearity?)
compensation should never be changed if it's right....and again, 
for two grand, it damn well should be......but I don't bet on 
newer bodies.  
Sorry for the length, but there seems to be considerable interest 
(which there shouldn't be if they could EVER get it right at the 
factory).  The M-rangefinder is the best ever built. Period. The 
damn thing can differentiate between 6' and 6'1/2 inches!!! Try it!!
But all of this is useless if it's out of adjustment.  The biggest 
bitch I have is the elimination of the eccentric adjustment on the 
telescope vertical.....It's the dumbest thing I've ever seen.  It almost 
seems that they want you to buy another (out of adjusment) rangefinder 
if the vertical is out.....'fraid not, my friend at $500++!!

Best luck to you and say hello to the ol' pres for me.....give my 
regards, of course, and this post, too.....


Sun, 6
Dec 1998, Mike Austin wrote:

> Hello,
> Walt:
> I would say that you can go ahead and say what you want to say in whatever
> fashion you want to say it.  After reading the last post, the image of Kevin
> Bacon's character being interviewed in prison in the Movie JFK came to mind.  I
> dont remember the exact words, but change "Oswald" to "Leica".  I dont know, it
> just stuck me as funny...the scene in the movie JFK:  "The people just gots to
> know!"
> The President of Leica USA is on a whirlwind tour, I guess.  Tuesday the
> president will be at my Leica dealer's store.  Not sure what time.  I think I
> will go there and have a chat with the president about my M6TTL.  You know,
> just to let the president know what my expectations are when I buy a Leica
> product.  That kind of a chat.  Walt, can I use your comments and present them
> to the president?  "The people just gots to know!"  A reality check?  For
> Leica?  For me?  For us?  I have to find out what time the president will be
> there.  I hope I can get away to chat with the president.  
> You know, its true that if you buy a $2000 body, it had better be right.  For
> two grand, you want to get out and use it.  Well, I want to go out and use it.
> So, has anyone really checked to see where the subject falls in the DOF with
> their Ms?  It is possible to have the 1/3 and 2/3 DOF with the Ms rangefinder,
> right?  Obviously, I know not what the adjustments are for the various ranges
> (distances).  So, does the Ms rangefinder have individual adjustments for
> various ranges (distances):  for example, .7m to 15m, 15m to 30m, 30m to
> infinity?  Just curious how it basically works when it comes to adjustments.  
> Thanks!