Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/12/02

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Subject: Re: [Leica] The LEICA DIGILUX 2 is announced
From: Sonny Carter <SonC@HELL.COM>
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2003 20:18:16 -0800 (PST)

Wow! MArk, you said just what I wanted to say all these weeks that we were anticipating this camera.  What a great post!  

I just hope that the panasonic version is priced where I can jump in.  I cannot buy a camera at this price point, unless I suddenly inherit.  If I start posting shots from my digilux 2, you know I inherited something, or took my kid out of college.


Natchitoches, LA, USA

"You can't always get what you want, but sometimes, if you try, you can get what you need" 
The Stones

- --- Mark Rabiner <> wrote:
> Yes, it is VERY cool looking...But am I missing something, or is the
> idea of photography to create very cool looking IMAGES with the best
> tools available?
> B. D.

BD if the other's didn't already tell you what you missed was direct
dialing like a Leica M or R or Nikon FM or other analog camera that you
can go out and take a picture with and feel like it was you that took
the picture and not some geek writing code in the silicon valley.

This instead of the little menus within menu's which puts off a lot of
people me not excluded. I can work a Mac 4 in a something approaching I
think they call it a "power" way I do macro's and all kinds of things my
pals do not. But a little gadget with a little LCD with menu's in the
menu's in the menu's is not a gadget I can go out and use. I get put
off. (When I got my DIGILUX i didn't use it for a month and a half.) And
certainly not in a situation where there is pressure. Plenty of people
deal with it by just letting the automatic "idiot" settings take over
partially because those will tend to amazingly almost never fail them.
AND they haven't a clue how to override them.
A hands on DIGITAL camera is an idea which is nothing short of AMAZING.

AMAZING partially because no one else thought of it first. 

There HAS to be a market for a camera which works normally but which
just happens to have a chip in it instead of film. (allow for exaggeration)
It's not the lack of film and a new digital technology that puts off I'm
sure a HUGE segment of the population and especially someone over 40.
It's the lack of Direct Drive. Direct Dialing. Knobs you can put your
fingers on and twirl Baby! Hell they don't even have to be big knobs
designed for the fat Americans fingers small knobs I'll settle for.

Mark (Just give me a KNOB!) Rabiner

Portland, Oregon USA
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