Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/01/10

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Subject: [Leica] Underexposure in Tungsten Light
From: jblack at (John Black)
Date: Tue Jan 10 09:18:38 2006
References: <p06230921bfe96e361e17@[]><> <p06230900bfe992d90a1f@[]>

> Ah, so I'm not alone in this.  Next time I'll derate the film a stop
> and let you know what happens.
> I've seen the effect on both BW400CN and Fuji Press 400 (color neg).

All normal (not extended red or IR) film emulsions loose sensitivity
starting at about 620-630mu which means that tungsten illumination, which
tends to be reddish orange, is only seen at a lower sensitivity (speed).
Indeed, normal incandescent lighting needs 1 stop overexposure but some weak
tungsten light may need as much as 2 stops more exposure.  The light meter
sees red better than film does.


Replies: Reply from r.s.taylor at (Richard S. Taylor) ([Leica] Underexposure in Tungsten Light)
In reply to: Message from r.s.taylor at (Richard S. Taylor) ([Leica] Underexposure in Tungsten Light)
Message from kennybod at (Kenneth Frazier) ([Leica] Underexposure in Tungsten Light)
Message from r.s.taylor at (Richard S. Taylor) ([Leica] Underexposure in Tungsten Light)