Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2014/12/06

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Subject: [Leica] For trade? Or, maybe I'm just way off base.
From: steve.barbour at (Steve Barbour)
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2014 18:14:37 -0800
References: <> <> <>

Sent from my iPhone
Steve Barbour

On Dec 6, 2014, at 5:51 PM, Susan Ryan <skalte at> wrote:


True photographer, not fondler, but money is a concern. I don't have a lot 
of disposable income.  Just want to replace the one tool that was stolen and 
buy another good condition body that I anticipate becoming my workhorse 
tool. Trades would have to allow me to come as close as possible to 
obtaining those tools for little additional expenditure. Not from an 
investor standpoint, from the standpoint of a retiree whose highest yearly 
salary was about $55k and needs to live within her means. 

Of course Sue, I understand, I was (mostly) pulling your chain...I am a 
retiree too, understand, good luck.



Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 6, 2014, at 8:22 AM, Steve Barbour <steve.barbour at> 
> wrote:
> Sue,
> Here's the deal....  
> I will trade my Nocti f1 for your Nocti f0.95, even up, 
> then you will have a lens that you will actually want to use.....
> I see it as a great deal, if you are a true photographer (not an investor 
> and who cares about money anyway).
> Steve
>> On Dec 5, 2014, at 10:59 PM, Susan Ryan <skalte at> wrote:
>> After seeing Perter's Monochrom photos and Steve's Nocti 1.0 photo, I'm 
>> experiencing som ennui. I'm also kind of just disgusted with myself for 
>> even asking this question. Would it be a bad idea or less then equitable 
>> either way, to try to swap my 1.5 year old, used only a handful of times, 
>> Nocti .95 for a used Monochrom and Nocti 1.0 combo? I would really love a 
>> Monochrom (I have an M9 I am not interested in selling) and I really 
>> prefer the Nocti 1 to the .95 bokeh. I'm not somone who sells and re-buys 
>> equipment. What I have is wonderful. Just wondering if I am missing 
>> something thinking this could be a fair trade if I found an interested, 
>> trustworty dealer or LUG member.
>> Thoughts?
>> Sue
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In reply to: Message from skalte at (Susan Ryan) ([Leica] For trade? Or, maybe I'm just way off base.)
Message from steve.barbour at (Steve Barbour) ([Leica] For trade? Or, maybe I'm just way off base.)
Message from skalte at (Susan Ryan) ([Leica] For trade? Or, maybe I'm just way off base.)