Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/03/22

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Subject: [Leica] (no subject)
From: walt at (Walt Johnson)
Date: Wed Mar 22 12:11:39 2006
References: <> <>

Well Luis I will tell you,

"/*I don't see.. any method at all".  */I have seen more than a few 
people shot though, with a variety of weapons. I don't rely on the 
reminiscence of others for my information. Had you been following theses 
posts carefully rather than getting "emotional" about the facts it would 
be much easier to have a discussion. I don't believe anyone here, me 
included, ever tried to whitewash our governments heavy-handed actions 
in the world. It is, however, one of those historic facts that the war 
there was primarily one between fascists and communists. It is also 
quite factually evident all governments used their media to espouse 
propaganda and the propaganda at that period in time was quite 
anti-fascist, Especially for those publishing Vu and Life.

As far as it being "a hurting time in our story", so what. My 
Grandfather was in WW!, my father was shot down after 50 combat missions 
in WWII. and spent a year in a German POW camp. I spent over a year in 
Vietnam. So again, regarding your story, so what? 

When a point of view is presented without evidence it can be refuted 
without evidence.


Luis Miguel Casta?eda wrote:

> On 22/03/2006, at 18:56, wrote:
>> And what of the"other falling soldier" that was carried off before  
>> Garcia got his? Don't tell me, "it's just a flesh wound".
> According the original numeration from the contacts it seems that  
> Garcia got that first and suggest that the picture catching was pure  
> luck, the other was taken later, and presumably the gunshot made him  
> fell out of camera's sight, and that was way down. Mauser bullets  
> were quite powerful, the impact force used to throw bodies a few  
> steps away and even disengage members of those who took a hit, as my  
> grandfather - who had to fight - told many times.
>> Who could believe in the accuracy of  "war archives" from 1936 Spain?
> Well, let's accept that it will be a fake. Why two different and  
> independent war registrys (Madrid and Salamanca) will list him in the  
> same day and place that Capa stated ?  why the testimonials of other  
> unit members to their brother matches?
> You can believe or not, the evidences that we can have points  
> reasonably to their veracity, you're on your right to do not accept  
> it and have doubts, but please bring up evidences instead fiddling  
> about this or that without solid arguments instead suspects .
>> As long as we are discussing  credibility  look into the Spanish   
>> governments response to Gene Smith's */Spanish Village./*
> Mind you, I'm spanish but I won't take this as an offensive  
> statement, the same can be said about the US, the UK, France, the  
> former URSS and every single nation over this world, but please, at  
> least compare things that can be compared. That was a hurting time in  
> our story, our family ( me included) had 3 generation exile and more  
> than a handful family members killed in that war.
> Saludos
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Replies: Reply from bdcolen at (B. D. Colen) ([Leica] (no subject))
In reply to: Message from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] (no subject))