Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/04/07

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Subject: [Leica] Re: Posting a "for sale" ad
From: rst90274 at (richard tibor)
Date: Fri Apr 7 08:46:34 2006

I received an e-mail from the administrator informing
me that it would be possible to post an ad on the
user's group forum on Friday, so here it is:

 Superior German made Novoflex Follow Focus System
 for Leicaflex or all Leica R series cameras. 
 originally designed its system to be used with Leica
 cameras so their optical and mechanical quality was
 superb.  International demand for this system was so
 high it eventually resulted in adapters being
 developed to fit this system to virtually every
 camera  made. These lenses are fantastic for sports
 wildlife photography. On the last Novoflex pricelist
 could find the cost of the 400mm and 600mm lens
 heads was 1799 Euros each and the focusing grip  
 was 1199 Euros.  I have a vintage outfit that is NEW 

 and in the original boxes. This set was purchased as 

 a back-up but my outfit has worked so fine over the  

 years,I've never needed them. Often when I take them 
 out the papparazzis and press photographers stop me
 try out this unique  fast focusing system. This
 would be a great additional to any Leica collection
 perfect to put to use.  The focus and aperture are
 set manually. It consists of the 280mm, 400mm, and   
 640mm lens heads, Follow Focus pistol grip,  
 aperture,Leica adapter, caps, lens shades,
 chest/shoulder mount. Email for photos. For sale for 
 $899 + S&H or best offer.
 Thank you for you assistance with the posting.  

 Richard Tibor

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Replies: Reply from nathan at (Nathan Wajsman) ([Leica] Re: Posting a "for sale" ad)